Translation of "サプライズ" to English language:

  Dictionary Japanese-English

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Hey There everybody!!
I'm just kidding, it's me.
No surprises.
君の頬に 涙サプライズ
All friends are singing
Guys, we we're going to we're going to do something pretty magical here. And we have a special surprise for you. gt gt Sergey Brin
リンカーン サプライズをやめて
No more surprises, Lincoln.
サプライズ ああ ビックリした
You've ruined the surprise!
きらり光る 涙サプライズ
To your cheeks, Tears surprise!
With a surprise.
特別なプレゼントは サプライズ です
The best kind of prize is a surprise.
We'll have somethin' for 'em.
サプライズが もうひとつある
Oh, I have another surprise for you. Oh, what's that?
I surprised 'em.
それだと サプライズにならないわ
But then it wouldn't have been a surprise.
So they've been working on those mental architectures in the here.
It's been a long time since I had such a pleasant surprise.
予測可能なもの サプライズを求めます
Give me novelty, give me familiarity.
サプライズだわ 飛行機に乗り遅れたの
Looks like the surprise is on us. He missed his flight.
サプライズが嫌いな女がいるか みてみろ
Will your wife like such childish things?
What's up with these bags?
みんなサプライズが 好きなわけじゃないし
You know, beth, not everybody likes a surprise.
No way. I got you the greatest birthday present of all time.
顧客が期待する特典 希望 サプライズは何ですか?
And so we're in the last piece in detail is what gain are you creating.
lt i gt ジュンピョとユミからの招待状 サプライズ プール パーティー lt I gt
What's the matter? lt i gt Invitation
輝いてるよ まず一歩 歩きだそう 君の頬に 涙サプライズ
The path of future is shining Let's take a step forward
ほら 見回せば 僕たちがそばにいる 笑顔たちの 涙サプライズ
Even if you have a hard time, when you look around we're here for you
あなたについてのこの手紙が来たの 彼が望んでたサプライズ
This morning, just five minutes after he drove away, the mail came and in it was this letter about you.
囚人役か看守役かを決められた 囚人役はサプライズで突然逮捕された
Some students were then randomly selected to act as prisoners while others became guards.
もっといろんな映像を サプライズで楽しんでね あらためて見てくれてありがとう
Because we're going to be posting some more clips maybe a few surprises and maybe some stuff we just post on a whim.
ほんの一ヶ月前ですが 皆様にサプライズとして ここで紹介した タブレット用の 追加機能がAndroid スマートフォン用に
Well, although although we just updated the Android smartphone app barely a month ago, we have an additional surprise for you.
周りのハイウェイを走る感じ 街を歩いた時に見つけるのも それが ビルバオの 正真正銘のサプライズだったよ
That was the surprise of going across the river, of going on the highway around it, of walking down the street and finding it.
誕生日のサプライズを計画しています ところが 廊下にいたルームメイトが その計画を全て立ち聞きしています
Picture two characters making a plan for a birthday surprise for their roommate while that roommate overhears the entire conversation from the hallway.
まだ サプライズも残っています しかし ここでは我々の努力の成果を お見せするだけではありません
Our teams have worked very hard to put on something really great for you, and we still have some surprises left.
私の ろくろ にサプライズの贈り物が 置いてありました 私が使うことになる ろくろに 同僚たちは いみじくも
The first day I came to work in this shop there was on my wheel a surprise for me.
追加した例が悪性だと解っても 学習にはなんのサプライズももたらさないべきだ しかし何か標本をそこに追加したら
I mean, it should be no surprise to the learning out of that the example way out here turns out to be malignant.