Translation of "突き刺" to English language:
Dictionary Japanese-English
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
突き刺せ | Stab him, George. You can do it. |
突き刺せ! | Stab! |
心臓を突き刺したか | Did you pierce him through the heart? |
突き刺すとこだった | It almost staked you. |
彼はミートボールにフォークを突き刺した | He stuck a meatball with his fork. |
心に突き刺さったのです | They went right in here. I was a young man at the time. |
ゼウスは雷で空を突き刺した | Zeus stabs the skies with thunderbolts. |
動いたら杖で目を突き刺せ | If she moves, put your cane through her eye. |
おまえが突き刺したんだよ | You might as well have stuck that knife into his back yourself. |
俺はノートゥングを奴の心臓に 突き刺す | Nothung I shall thrust into his proud heart! |
ノートゥングが心臓に突き刺さっている | Nothung has pierced your heart! |
目の間に突き刺しひねるんだ | Better to insert between the eyes and twist. |
アイスピックで 目玉に突き刺してやりたい | I'd like to take an ice pick and stick it right in his eyeball. |
そうだ 首にナイフが突き刺さってる | Yeah, they got a knife to my throat. |
若い心に愛の痛みは突き刺さる | Oh, to be young, and to feel love's keen sting |
お前の声は 耳たぶに突き刺さる | Your voice is grating on my ear nubs. |
チーズの中へナイフを突き刺したりするな | Don't thrust your knife into the cheese. |
まず首筋に 短剣をおもいっきり突き刺す | And a real thin stiletto in his left. First he takes the stiletto and jabs it as a hard as he can into the nape of the guy's neck. |
彼の刀を奪い 彼の心臓を突き刺した | I took his sword... and I drove it through his heart. |
心臓を突き刺してのみシェイドを 殺すせる | You can only kill a shade, if you pierce him through the heart. |
ピンが彼の指に突き刺さり 血が出始めた | The pin pierced his finger and it began to bleed. |
時々ランダムに刺を突き出すボール 痛っ!! Jamie Zawinski 作 2001 | Draws a ball that periodically extrudes many random spikes. Ouch! Written by Jamie Zawinski 2001. |
俺がお前と一緒だと思うか 突き刺す気か | Ah, fork... |
流れる時代に抱かれても 胸に突き刺さる... | Forgetting the scars of weekend Which were just an introductory chapter |
大摇れでヒゲが腸に 突き刺さりそうだったよ | The roads are so bad, my love. |
ジェットスキーでジャンプに挑戦 股間が鉄のゲートに突き刺さった | He attempted to jump a Jet Ski from a lake... into a swimming pool and impaled his crotch on an iron gate. |
その剣を完ペきに投げて デッキにグサッと 突き刺すなんて | And then he just makes this totally perfect toss and the sword ends up sticking straight up in the deck. |
地面に突き刺さり 掘り出すのに苦労しました | Actually, it went 11 feet into solid clay and became a bunker buster. |
またそうやって掴んだら 顔にナイフを突き刺すぞ | If you ever grab me like that again, I will stick a knife in your face. |
誰かがトムをアイスピックで突き刺したが 彼はもう大丈夫だ | Someone stabbed Tom with an ice pick, but he's OK now. |
そういったこの伝説が甦る のか これを突き刺す | The myth may be repeating itself. |
顎動脈にその武器を突き刺すだろう はい どうぞ | He will then proceed to jump behind his target while she is pre occupied, and apply a fatal impending weapon into her jugular artery! |
アイデアが形となり理解されると 釘の様に突き刺さる | An idea that is fully formed, fully understood that sticks. |
君はもう少しで私の目を鉛筆で突き刺すところだった | You nearly poked me in the eye with your pencil. |
投擲用のナイフが男たちの首筋に深々と突き刺さっていた | Throwing knives were stuck deep into the men's necks. |
貴方は彼の為に与えると約束した 剣を幹に突き刺した | For him you thrust into the tree the sword you promised him |
お前を育てたやったのに ワシの心を突き刺した 鋭いものでな | I made you who you are, and you stab me in the heart with something sharp. |
ノートゥングを大蛇に突き刺すのは 奴がお前を飲み込んでしまった 後だ | I won't ram Nothung down his gizzard until he's guzzled you down with his drink. |
彼らは叫びそして呪い 荒々しく突き刺した 戦士より騒がしい | They shout and curse, stabbing wildly, more brawlers than warriors. |
突き | A hit! |
何か気付いたかい 答えはノーです すると彼は針をパイプに突き刺して | So the water goes up. He turns it back down. Great. |
何か気付いたかい 答えはノーです すると彼は針をパイプに突き刺して | And he says, Anything you notice? No. |
素晴らしい乙女が俺の心を突き刺した 一人の女が俺を傷つけた | A heavenly maiden has seared my heart, my head reels from the wounds dealt me by a woman. |
2週間後 本土で彼は バーに入って 3人の男を死ぬほど突き刺した | Two weeks on the mainland he walks into a bar and stabs three men to death. |
下向きに刺した | She saw him do it, the wrong way. |