Translation of "骨髄" to English language:

  Dictionary Japanese-English

骨髄 - 翻訳 : 骨髄 - 翻訳 : 骨髄 - 翻訳 :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I was chilled to the bone.
I was chilled to the bone.
Bone ones are gonna hurt.
He is Japanese to the bone.
1リットルの骨髄液を持ってきました 骨髄液は実際多くの患者さんを救うために
I didn't bring a human brain, but I did bring a liter of bone marrow.
He is rotten to the core.
組織が損傷すると 骨髄は 血液に
It is a fact that when our organs or tissues are injured, our bone marrow releases stem cells into our circulation.
They've got great potential but haven't yet entered clinical trials.
彼の骨髄液を送ろうとしていました 実際どうやって骨髄液を採取するのでしょう
We're sending his marrow across the country to save the life of a child with leukemia.
悪性骨髄腫瘍である多発性骨髄腫という 不治の病を患うマウスに 劇的な効果があります
Mice with multiple myeloma, an incurable malignancy of the bone marrow, respond dramatically to the treatment with this drug.
髄膜炎よ 髄
You said he was a research pathologist.
骨髄を含んだ食事は 更に脳の発達を促した
Homo Habilis was the first animal to construct tools.
新しい装置 メローマイナ 骨髄採取器 です これだけです
So I thought of a minimally invasive approach, and a new device that we call the Marrow Miner.
1つは筋肉の奥に もう1つは骨髄の中央だ
One into the deep muscle one into the bonemarrow centres.
We also have adult stem cells throughout our body.
彼らは赤い血液細胞を生成するために 骨の髄
And we all have them.
骨髄損傷 筋ジストロフィー 網膜の病気などありますが 皆さん自身に
Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, spinal cord injury, muscular dystrophy, retinal eye diseases are any of these conditions relevant, personally, to you?
I finally got it. Meningitis?
より非侵襲的に骨髄を採取できます DFA の認可がおりたので
I invented a device called the MarrowMiner, a much less invasive way for harvesting bone marrow.
私たちの血液や 骨髄や脂肪 皮膚や臓器から採取できますが
And adult stem cells are found in you and me in our blood, in our bone marrow, in our fat, our skin and other organs.
骨髄液だけでなく 10倍もの幹細胞の活動を含んだ骨髄液を このメローマイナ で採取することができたのです この方法は昨年FDAによって認可されました
And we found, to our surprise, that we not only got bone marrow out, but we got 10 times the stem cell activity in the marrow from the Marrow Miner, compared to the normal device.
50年前と変わっていません わずかに慢性骨髄白血病に関して
The death rate in cancer in over 50 years hasn't changed.
She died. From meningitis?
Some time ago, I made an enemy.
We'll be outside. It's meningitis, isn't it?
急性の骨髄性白血病になり 呼吸不全を起こして8日後に亡くなりました
Six months later, she comes back with acute myeloid leukemia.
その証拠に 体を一周する傷がまだあります 脊髄に引っかかっていた骨を
literally cut me in half, I have a scar that wraps around my entire body.
もう髄膜炎菌による髄膜炎の 処方治療はある
It's all coming back, isn't it?
Possibly spinal fluid.
下層が摂氏97度 上層が骨の髄まで凍えそうな 摂氏零下8度という温度です
Venus's clouds are pretty extreme themselves, with temperatures at the base reach a roasting 97 degrees celsius and a bone chilling 8 degree C near the top.
I'm going to show a clip of one young lady.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
He's a spinal surgeon, Ben.
人命救助をしてくれることでしょう さらに あなたが自分の骨髄幹細胞を若くて
It may encourage more people to sign up to be potential live saving bone marrow donors.
That's not guessing. The child has a fever, headache, stiffness.
It's highly contagious. So it's said. Tularemic meningitis.
Taken from our prize guinea pig this morning.
コンピュータが どのように働くか 骨の髄まで学生に 理解させたければ 最良の方法はおそらく
So Noam and I had this insight that if we want our students to understand how computers work, and understand it in the marrow of their bones, then perhaps the best way to go about it is to have them build a complete, working, general purpose, useful computer, hardware and software, from the ground up, from first principles.
局所麻酔で外来で 骨髄液採取ができるのです スタンフォードで少額の交付金をいただいたので
And, so, very quickly, Bob can just get one puncture, local anesthesia, and do this harvest as an outpatient.
too lair em ic ? Tularemic.
Anyway, as you'll see in a moment,
The bullet didn't touch her spine.
they gave me a spinal tap.
Something which requires a spinal tap.


関連検索 : 骨髄骨 - 骨髄腔 - 骨髄球 - 赤骨髄 - 骨髄スペース - 骨髄癌 - 骨髄ドナー - 骨髄腔 - 骨髄炎 - 骨髄腫 - 脊髄骨 - 骨髄球