Translation of "affiliated enterprises" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Affiliated - translation : Affiliated enterprises - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I suppose I am affiliated...
Google and their enterprises.
ロイド ブライアント ああ おすすめするよ
Here at Stark... Enterprises.
このスターク インダストリーズに
The college is affiliated with the university.
Our club is affiliated with an international organization.
That branch is affiliated to the miners' union.
We are affiliated with the new joint venture company.
Pardon me... are you affiliated with the wedding hall?
あの 式場の関係者の方ですか
The enterprises carried the five day workweek.
He has always associated with large enterprises.
Small enterprises are feeling the squeeze of inflation.
This tax is applied to all private sector enterprises.
In the depression, your father nearly bankrupted Wayne Enterprises...
不況の中 お父上は 倒産の危機にあっても...
One, two, three enterprises are put together to repay loans.
Since then I've also co founded two other social enterprises.
1つはEducation Access for Allで
It's Wayne Enterprises, Mr. Earle. I'm sure they'll call back.
はい ウェイン産業です 折り返し お電話します
A microwave emitter like the one Wayne Enterprises just misplaced.
Applied sciences. whole division of Wayne enterprises just disappeared overnight.
ウェイン産業の 応用科学部門ですが 跡形もなく消えてます
These are spaces that are only affiliated with us, doing this same thing
マサチューセッツのピッツフィールドのワード ストリートや
With restrictions removed, thousands of new enterprises have come into being.
制限が取り除かれて 非常にたくさんの新しい企業が生まれた
And it's not just governments, of course it's enterprises as well.
What makes you think you can decide who's running Wayne Enterprises?
君がどうして 役員を決められると
A joint chinese venture with Wayne enterprises will be a powerhouse.
中国ベンチャーとウェイン産業が 参画すれば起爆剤となる
Which track is affiliated with Tokyo City Horse Track but not with Nankan Racing?
明信 大井競馬場の 属している 南関東4競馬場に入っていない 競馬場はどこでしょうか
As long as this machine is at Wayne enterprises, I won't be.
これがウェイン産業にある限り 留まりたくない
There're already thousands of organisations in Brazil which support solidarity based economic enterprises.
大学で実証された知識を 民衆組織に伝えようとしています
Because we're starting to see these enterprises reach hundreds of thousands of people.
数十万人にも達します 私が話した人達は 全部で少なくとも25万人に達しました
Go back to Wayne Enterprises now and start making more of that antidote.
すぐに社にもどって 血清をつくってくれ
The power of acting at the right time contributes very much to the success of enterprises.
そして のろしは それを促進するための最も効率的な装置である
(Filmmaker) Racists affiliated with the neo nazi political party Golden Dawn routinely attack immigrants, sometimes with the aid of the cops.
フランク ネオナチの政治政党 黄金の夜明け に関係しているレイシストたちが 移民への攻撃を 時には警察の助けを借りて 繰り返している ギリシャ日報によると ギリシャの警察官の半分が 黄金の夜明け に投票したという
We're seeing different experiences in Brazil of cooperatives, recovered enterprises, which is going well, creating jobs and income.
雇用や収入を生み出しているのです 目的や人間を変える変化です
Anyway, but I guess my point is that all of these enterprises are engaging to me in their multiplicity, but as I've presented them to you today, they're actually solitary enterprises, and so pretty soon I want to commune with other people, and so
私はこういった複数の仕事に従事していますが 今日ご覧いただいたように実際には孤独な作業です なので当然 他人と交流したいと言う気持ちが沸いてきます
There were some people who were really gang affiliated, and then there were those of us really trying to make it to high school.
私と同じく 高校に入るために 一生懸命頑張ってる 生徒達もいました 悪いことに関わらないように するのは避けられないことでした
Seeking the truth, David Vincent travelled to Fort Scott, Florida, headquarters of Vikor Enterprises and perhaps headquarters for a people from an alien world.
ヴィカー産業本社へ 恐らく異世界の人間の本部へ ほっといて貰えないか?
I labored in that vineyard for a quarter century before making my way to a little kingdom of the just in upstate South Carolina, a Methodist affiliated institution of higher learning called Wofford College.
サウスカロライナ州のちょっと北にある 小さな王国に移動しました メソジスト系の高等教育機関 ウォフォード カレッジです ウォフォードのことは何も知らず
One problem is how the enterprises arrange posts for excellent female students, but another important point is whether the educational industry can grow and supply creative students needed for Japan's future.
企業社会が彼女らの活躍の場をどう用意できるか も大きな課題だが 一方でこれからの日本社会が必要とする創造性豊かな人材を 教育産業がどう育成し 提供していけるかも重要だ
The idea behind it is that people actually can make contributions to their community by striking the balance between social services and profit making unlike regular enterprises that solely pursue economic interest.
経済利益を共存しながら 志を元に地域に貢献する仕事ができます それがコミュニティビジネスです
I built, along with my two brothers, the leading real estate company in my home state, Kerala, and then worked professionally with two of India's biggest businessmen, but in their startup enterprises.
故郷のケララ州に大手不動産会社を設立し そこで本格的に インドの大物ビジネスマン2人と
Our goal is to be nothing less than the best possible tool for working with tagging and scripting languages. Quanta Plus is not in any way affiliated with any commercial versions of Quanta. We hope you enjoy Quanta Plus.
私達の目標はタグやスクリプト言語を扱う上で最も有力な ツールにすることにほかなりません Quanta Plus は商用バージョンの Quanta とは 全く関係がありません Quanta Plus で楽しんでもらえれば幸いです
We've invested about 20 million dollars in 20 different enterprises, and have, in so doing, created nearly 20,000 jobs, and delivered tens of millions of services to people who otherwise would not be able to afford them.
2万人の雇用を創出し 何千万というサービスを それまで手が届かなかった人々に提供しました
What we need are people who see the value in investing in these types of local enterprises, who will partner with folks like me to identify the growth trends and climate adaptation as well as understand the growing social costs of business as usual.
地域の事業に投資する人です 地域のプレイヤーと連携して 成長のトレンドや環境への適応を見極めると同時に
I would like to invite all of you to please share this game with young people, anywhere in the world, particularly in developing areas, who might benefit from coming together to try to start to imagine their own social enterprises to save the world.
世界中の若い人達に とくに発展途上地域の人々に広めてほしいのです 世界を救う自分の社会事業に
But there's no training, nothing to prepare them for that, no rehabilitation at all in prison, no one to help them write a business plan, figure out a way to translate the business concepts they intuitively grasp into legal enterprises, no access to the Internet, even.
社会復帰への支援策がないのです ビジネスプランの書き方を教える人や 彼らが直感的に掴んだ ビジネスコンセプトを
like the 4,000 community interest companies that have sprung up in the U.K. over the last five years and a similar rise in B corporations in the United States, enterprises that have ecological and social goals written into their constitution at their heart companies, in fact, like this one, Ecosia.
4000社もの社会的企業は 米国では B corp という名前で増えています それは
And, as they do so, they build bigger and bigger cooperative enterprises and find out that their economies are cheaper, more effective, more efficient, work for everybody, and you get the evolution of rainforests, and human bodies made of a hundred trillion cells, working in complete cooperation even though they're so diverse.
その方がもっと安上がりに もっと効果的 かつ効率的に みんなのためになることに気づくのです こうして熱帯雨林が進化を遂げ


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