Translation of "amended accordingly" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Accordingly - translation : Amended - translation : Amended accordingly - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Can that be amended?
The law needs to be amended.
He amended his way of living.
We resurrected you, advanced Cyberdyne's work, amended it.
復活させたの 最新サイバーダインの製作... 補修したの
The constitution was amended so that women could vote.
So their liabilities increase accordingly.
これが 未償還の紙幣です
We all are. Act accordingly.
お前らも 見習ったほうがいい
Watch your leader and act accordingly.
よくリーダーを見て その通りに動きなさい
Accordingly I gave up my plans.
These are the rules act accordingly.
これが規則なのだから それに従って行動しなさい
Then we adjust the content accordingly.
その後 大抵2か月後くらいにデザインを始めます
We suggest you adjust your records accordingly.
事情にあわせて 貴社の記録も調整してください
Adjust your equipment accordingly. That is all.
各自それに応じた装備に調整してくれ 以上だ
It was then amended to give just a limited term for copyright.
それは意味をなさないため 出版社は 限られた期間を与えるために そのことについて困惑していた
Living is dear, accordingly we have to economize.
生活費は高い だから私たちは倹約しなければならない
You must judge the situation and act accordingly.
1 MUSlCIAN Ay, by my troth, the case may be amended. Enter Peter.
ピーターのミュージシャン O ミュージシャン ハートの容易さ 心の容易さ
She was asked to go, and she left accordingly.
彼女は行くように頼まれた だから出かけた
Productivity has fallen. Accordingly, workers' bonuses will be reduced.
生産力が落ちた 従って労働者のボーナスも少なくなるだろう
Obviously, our chance of having no cancer decreased accordingly.
分かりましたか  それではまとめましょう
And otherwise, you raise or lower the number accordingly.
この 4 を消しましょう
She is an adult, so you should treat her accordingly.
彼女は大人だから それ相応に扱うべきだ
As computers get faster, the seed size must increase accordingly.
シードの大きさを増やす必要がある 擬似ランダムのお陰で アリスとボブは
The Syrrannites were responsible and they'll be dealt with accordingly.
シラナイトは責任があり しかるべき対応をとる
After your last extension request... and your appeals to city council... was there an amended permit?
建築期限の延長を申請したあとに 市の担当の局から 修整認可を受けましたか
Accordingly as people become rich, they are apt to be stingy.
So once politicians reach the parliamentary environment they will behave accordingly.
実際 人は何千年もの間 政府を運営し
Write down what I'm about to tell you and act accordingly.
まず吐いた物がつまらないように 体を横にするんだ
All those seeking asylum will be processed and dealt with accordingly.
亡命者保護を求めているものに 対しては 処置を下し それに応じて対処します
who determines the nature of all that exists , and guided it accordingly
またかれは 法を定めて導き
Depending on the type of the object the script has to react accordingly.
表 1Hyperwave設定オプション
Therefore, the regiment's Party leadership has decided to punish all those involved accordingly.
連隊の党機関は決定した すべての関係者を罰するように
There are various types of wines and the way they are matured varies accordingly.
ワインにはいろいろなタイプがあり それによって育成の仕方もさまざまです
Stop thinking for your sake only. Think for other people's, too, and act accordingly.
自分さえよければいいという考え方はやめなさい もっと他の人のことも考えて行動しないといけないよ
We want to access these global variables, so we need to declare them accordingly.
If we go back to this permalink, we can see that it updates accordingly.
Now we just repeat. We look at the next measurement. We weight particles accordingly.
That you actually declared your resolution of never taking orders and were compensated accordingly.
牧師禄の代わりに 報酬を受け取ったとか
So because of the efforts of a few, it changes the world center accordingly. How?
この進化の圧力が全員に作用しているからだ 彼らは正しい背景が見えないだけ 誘発させる刺激を必要としている
Well, then we have to determine who or what did and deal with it accordingly.
そしたら本物の加害者を 探して 始末しなきゃ
And we're going to iterate through each page in the pages list, updating our best_page accordingly.
それに応じてbest pageをアップデートします ですからもし候補ページのランク つまり反復しているページが
It seems that fetuses are taking cues from the intrauterine environment and tailoring their physiology accordingly.
環境状況を察し 自分の生理機能を合わせます 胎児は母胎内で
Secondly, Captain Gu Zidi, of the 9th Company is to be punished for his mistake accordingly.
第二に 第9中隊の隊長谷子地は 過ちを犯したため 罰を受けるべきである
Some languages are read from right to left. This setting will change the viewer and editor accordingly.
右から左に読む言語で有効にします この設定によってビューアとエディタの表示が変わります
Accordingly We forgave him that, and he has a near place in Our presence and a fair resort.
それでわれは かれ の過ち を赦した かれは 今 本当にわれに近づき 多幸な 悟り切った 帰り所にいる


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