Translation of "ashore" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Ashore - translation :
Keywords : 上陸 災害 巨大

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Bring me ashore.
The boat was cast ashore.
She wants to go ashore.
He's going to stay ashore with him.
誰が海へ出すの? 彼の甥だ
His boat was washed ashore on a desert island.
Young Mr Turner and I are to go ashore.
With his bare hand and he drags it ashore,
手で掴み 岸まで引っ張る
They then came ashore near a village called Manukangga.
そしてマニュカンガ村付近の 島へと流れ着きました
All ashore. I. .. I'll go run up the boys.
And we're in the midst of struggling to reach ashore
原発を推進するなんて あり得ない話じゃないですか
You drowned and I got ashore with a spare life jacket.
全部収まるまで私は サンタバーバラで待つわ
We then put him ashore on a plain, and he was sick.
だがわれは 荒れ果てた 岸辺 にかれを打ち上げた かれは病んでいた
You could pretty plainly tell how long each one had been ashore.
この若者の健全な頬は 色相の洋ナシのトーストした太陽のようであり ように思われる
We will be casting off as soon as you two are ashore.
あなた方2人を降ろしたら すぐに離れるつもりだ
When he left the navy, he found it hard to adjust to life ashore.
And in the upper right you see this black sort of cloud moving ashore.
黒い雲のようなものですが 岸に向かい押し寄せています これは同じ生物です
So the men pictured coming ashore only to be murdered and eaten for dinner.
食べられる自分を想像したのです もう一つの選択肢は ハワイでした
As Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demonpossessed man from the town.
And these, when either thrown ashore or caught near the coast, are the property of the king.
王 ザブラックストーン
They were all on the Gulf in May, while oil was starting to come ashore in certain places.
左下に キョウジョシギと ミツユビシギがいます
Tonight's episode For men who go down to the sea in ships, time ashore is precious, measured in minutes.
And say, My Lord! Land me with a blessed landing, for You are the best of those who bring ashore.
言え 主よ 祝福された上陸地点に わたしを上陸させて下さい 本当にあなたは最も優れた上陸を叶えられる方であります
There will be massive amounts of data flowing ashore, all available to anyone who has any interest in using it.
興味があれば 誰でも入手できるようになります どこか1箇所に船を出し
In the complexion of a third still lingers a tropic tawn, but slightly bleached withal HE doubtless has tarried whole weeks ashore.
併せて 彼は確かに陸上全体週間tarriedている しかし 誰がQueequeg like頬を見せるだろうか 様々な色合いwith禁じられている に見えた
This meant that the entire contents of a ship and all of its passengers were often forced to remain on board for five or six weeks before being let ashore.
乗客全員が 上陸するまでに 5 6週間はかかりました
In the afternoon we saw what was supposed to be a rock, but it was found to be a dead whale, which some Asiatics had killed, and were then towing ashore.
クジラ いくつかAsiaticsが死亡し 上陸して曳航されたていた 彼らはするために クジラの後ろに身を隠すために努力するように見えた
The swimmer, Cindy Nicholas, barely made it ashore at Dover at the end of the exhausting swim, but a spokesman from the Channel Swimming Association announced that she was in very good shape.
泳者のシンディ ニコラスは へとへとになって泳ぎ切った後 ドーバーでかろうじて陸に上がってきたが 海峡水泳教会のスポークスマンは彼女がとても元気であると発表した
This is the place that Captain Cook discovered in 1777 and he described a huge abundance of sharks biting the rudders and the oars of their small boats while they were going ashore.
多数のサメがいたことを記しています 上陸する時に サメが小さなボートの舵や オールに噛みついたのです
Nor was there any earthly reason why I as a sailor should sleep two in a bed, more than anybody else for sailors no more sleep two in a bed at sea, than bachelor Kings do ashore.
誰 船員のための独身最後の王が何よりも海のベッドの中でこれ以上の睡眠2つ 上陸 彼らはすべて1つのア パートで一緒に寝る確かに しかし あなた自身のハンモックを持っている
God said, Noah, go ashore in peace Our blessings upon you and upon the people who are with you and upon some of the descendants of those who are with you. As for the unrighteous We shall grant provision for a time, then a grievous punishment from Us shall afflict them.
かれに 御言葉があった ヌーフよ われからの平安によって 舟を 降りなさい あなたに祝福あれ またあなたと共にいる多くの人々の上にも 外に われが 少しの間の生活を 享受させる人々もあるが 結局かれらはわれから痛ましい懲罰を受けるであろう
When the waves engulf them like shadows of death , they call to God, sincere at that moment in their faith in Him alone but as soon as He has brought them safe ashore, only some of them take the right course. And none denies Our signs save the perfidious and ungrateful person.
大波が天蓋のようにかれらを覆う時は アッラーに祈り 誠を尽くしてかれに傾倒しなさい だが かれらを無事陸地に着かせると かれらの中の或る者は 善と悪の中間の あやふやな状態になる だが二心ある者 不信心な者の外は 誰もわれの印を否定しない


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