Translation of "damaging" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Damaging - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

But it's damaging.
You are damaging them...
ああ はい 破損している...
Pollution is damaging our earth.
I've been damaging my hair a lot.
心配になります はげ頭になったらどうしようと思って
Was Christine Tanner damaging marine life somehow?
クリスも海の生き物を 傷つけたんじゃない?
And, a detonation is much more damaging than a deflagration.
これらの用語はより技術的に見えますが まさにこの二つの差が1号機と3号機で起きたことの違いといえます
He managed to avoid damaging my reputation by dropping a hint.
彼は遠回しに言って 私の名声を傷つけるのをさけた
And up to a million DNA damaging assaults occur every single day.
その結果 DNA複製の際に情報転写エラーが発生し
Extraordinarily damaging, if you're talking about using the talents of the population.
非常に大きな悪影響です このデータは社会的流動性についてです
Nobody's forgotten what she did during the campaign. Leaking damaging personal information
The biggest thing Dad found was damaging the soil was exposure to sunlight.
日光に晒されると土は傷つくと言うことでした つまり耕耘と反転です
The film makes it possible to transport the plants without damaging their roots.
There's gotta be a way to get it off him without damaging it.
So these in situ developments are at least as ecologically damaging as the mines.
採掘場と同じくらい 生態学的に悪影響があります どちらの方法で生産されたとしても
If she'd told them anything truly damaging, I think we'd know it by now.
明らかなミスだ もし彼女が話をしていれば
There's radiation all over the place, every single day, but you're talking the damaging radiation.
放射 それは我々が最も懸念していることだ 約とさえ取得していないチェルノブイリ の
CA But words, saying things, you know, can be constructive it can be really damaging.
建設的なものもあれば 実に攻撃的なものもあるよね
For people who can't get away from noise like that, it's extremely damaging for their health.
著しく健康を損ねてしまいます 良くない音が損ねるのは健康だけではありません
Indeed, mental illnesses are also very damaging to people's lives, but beyond just the burden of disease,
その疾病負担だけでなく 絶対数で考えてみたいと思います
While there are a number of agendas associated with these damaging programs, one thing is for sure
一つだけ確かなことがあります 天候を制御するために 利用することができると言う事です
The polarization and backlash is damaging in so many ways, but most of all, it destroys our souls.
何よりもまず 魂が滅ぼされます 人間として何か欠けた存在になってしまいます
Nobody's forgotten what she did during the campaign, leaking damaging personal information about your opponent to the press.
選挙期間中のことは忘れられていません 対立する新聞社に不利な情報を流したんですよ
As we age our proteins and other structural molecules develop damaging crossing to one another through a process called Glycation.
糖化反応と呼ばれる過程で互いに損傷を与えていきます グルコース分子は蛋白質と結合し
And even though this looks maybe not quite as repugnant as the mines, it's even more damaging in some ways.
ある面では より大きな被害を与えています 大部分の原野に 影響と崩壊をもたらし
That's the thing we're most concerned about and even in Chernobyl, that didn't get to the United States in damaging amounts.
損傷量で米国へ どのようにそれを行うとしている
So, cardiac ablation which is a very common surgery, when it's done, it avoids basically touching it and maybe damaging it.
心臓病手術は非常に一般的です その際 食道に接触したり傷つけたりしないようにします それでは繰り返しになりますが 画像処理の色々な応用を
Faith believing that we, collectively, as human beings, as humanity, have the power and the ability to stop these damaging programs.
これらの有害なプログラムを 止めさせる力と能力を 持っていると信じています 何故 彼らは有害物質を まき散らしているのでしょうか
So we had to find a way to use this very popular tool in Lebanon without damaging their security or their anonymity.
害さないように気をつけなければいけませんでした そこで さびしいプロフィールから始めました
And he says that if you want to see the damaging effects of rules, the ways that rules can keep people in the dark,
ルールによる被害を確かめたいなら...つまり ルールのせいで人々が暗闇に沈む様子を見たいなら NASAによる地球全体の夜景写真を見てくれ と
Releasing dangerous radioactive materials into the air and water, these radioactive materials can have long term damaging effects on millions of people, including cancer.
これらの放射物質は何百万人もの人に長期間にわたる癌を含む害になる影響を与えるはずです そして広範囲の土地を何十年間も人が住めない土地にしてしまうはずです
We have a very small amount of bandwidth for processing auditory input, which is why noise like this (Office noise) is extremely damaging for productivity.
このようなノイズの環境下で オフィスの騒音 生産性が著しく低下するのはこのためです もしあなたがこのようなオープンオフィスで働くとしたら
And you were, instead of going and finding the information and bringing it back to the reader, you were holding back the stuff that was potentially damaging.
それを読者に見せる代わりに 問題になりそうな情報を止めます 信頼できる情報源の 発見が重要になるため
These impact a multitude of metabolism processes in our bodies, including the dynamic balance between DNA damaging repair also between energy production and decline, and control cells lifespan.
DNAの損傷と修復のバランスや エネルギーの産生と減退の力学的バランス それによって細胞の寿命を決定しています
But fire also leaves the soil bare, releasing carbon, and worse than that, burning one hectare of grassland gives off more, and more damaging, pollutants than 6,000 cars.
さらに悪いことに 野焼きは1ヘクタールあたり 車6千台以上の有害物質を放出します
And likewise, for survivors of distress and adversity, that we remember we don't have to live our lives forever defined by the damaging things that have happened to us.
that we remember we don't have to live our lives forever defined by the damaging things that have happened to us. We are unique.
And likewise, for survivors of distress and adversity, that we remember we don't have to live our lives forever defined by the damaging things that have happened to us.
私たちに与えられたダメージで 一生が決められるのではないのです 私たちは唯一の掛替えのない存在です
The way these children will be able to use their new awareness to improve themselves will upend many of the damaging and widespread social stigmas that people who are diagnosed as different are challenged with.
世間の汚名を覆すことが出来るでしょう 彼らは人と違うと診断され 汚名を着せられているのです
And then what happens is, there's a blow to your head, damaging the cortex, allowing these latent sexual urges to emerge, flaming to the surface, and suddenly and inexplicably you find yourself being sexually aroused by your mother.
頭を殴られて 大脳皮質が損傷し この潜在的な性的衝動が浮かび上がり 表面に燃え上がって 突然に且つ不可解に
But these bad projects, which were absolutely damaging for the economy for many generations, for the environment, for thousands of families who had to be resettled they were suddenly put together by consortia of banks, of supplier agencies, of insurance agencies
経済的な被害をもたらし 幾世代にもわたる環境被害を起し 何千という家族を移転に追いやるものでした
So everybody knew this is a, not a useless project, this is an absolute damaging, a terrible project not to speak about the future indebtedness of the country for these hundreds of millions of dollars, and the siphoning off of the scarce resources of the economy from much more important activities
ひどい害をもたらす恐ろしいプロジェクトだということを 国の将来の債務は言うにおよびません それは何億ドルにもなるのです
Or to a president of Venezuela whose intolerance of the business class causes jubilation in the streets, but emigration by those whose initiative is crucial for the welfare of the people. Less damaging, yet problematic, is the election as in Poland of a minority government that ruthlessly pursues its members personal interests and breaks all promises of cooperation made before the polls.
民主主義政治なくして自由主義体制は成り立たないが 今日の社会では 民主主義政治だけでは自由主義体制は保証されないことを再確認させられる場面が多い


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