Translation of "had fallen" to Japanese language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Night had completely fallen before we knew. | 知らぬ間に日はとっぷりと暮れていた |
Man fallen fallen man! | 我々は 病院に到達 |
The lorry had to stop because its load had fallen off. | 積み荷が落ちたので トラックは停車しなければならなかった |
I had hardly fallen asleep when the telephone rang. | 私が寝入るか寝入らぬかのうちに 電話が鳴った |
He confessed that he had fallen in love with me. | 彼は私を好きになったと告白した |
Tom's leg had fallen asleep so he couldn't stand up. | トムは足がしびれて立ち上がれなかった |
She had just fallen. The doctor said she didn't suffer. | 苦しまずに逝ったと 医者が言ってたわ |
Fallen Rock. | フォーレン ロックへ |
The Fallen? | フォールン. . |
If we had been angels, why should we have fallen lower? | 天使ならなぜわざわざ 下界へ下りてきた |
I've fallen ill. | 母ちゃんは病気なの |
Another fallen angel! | しらけ鳥だ |
He's fallen asleep. | もう寝たよ |
Fallen, my master. | フォールン. . 我が主よ. |
Just as the fairy tale finished, the child had already fallen asleep. | おとぎ話が終わるか終わらないかのうちに子供が寝てしまった |
The wind has fallen. | 風が凪いだ |
Much snow has fallen. | 雪がたくさん降った |
It's fallen by half. | 今日のより良い科学技術 成熟した運送網 |
He's fallen, he's down! | やっぱりダメだ どんどん脱落します |
relieved when they've fallen | 散ってしまうとホッとする |
Revenge of The Fallen | 中国 |
The Fallen. Meaning what? | フォールン どういう意味だ |
The Fallen demands me. | 俺はフォーレンの命令でキューブの知識のありかを |
The guards have fallen. | 護衛たちが倒れた |
I bent over to pick up my pen which had fallen on the floor. | 私は身をかがめて床に落ちたペンを拾い上げた |
Fallen rocks closed the way. | 落石が道路をふさいだ |
Fallen rocks blocked the way. | 落石が道路をふさいだ |
Fallen rocks blocked the road. | 落石が道路をふさいだ |
The leaves have all fallen. | 木の葉はみんな落ちてしまった |
The baby has fallen asleep. | 赤ん坊は寝入った |
She's never fallen in love. | 彼女は一度も恋をしたことがありません |
Tom has already fallen asleep. | トムはもう寝た |
He has fallen into shadow. | 闇の世界に落ちたのですね |
The city has fallen silent. | 街中が静まり返ってるわ |
The Fallen shall rise again. | フォールン様が蘇る |
The Fallen... shall rise again ? | フォールンが蘇るだと |
Every one has fallen through. | どれも役に立ってない |
I'm certain if Ji Hoo had met you first, he would have fallen for you. | 本気で言ってる |
In the '90s, it was 13th, and not because standards had fallen, but because they had risen so much faster elsewhere. | 水準が下がったのではなく 他国の急速な向上の結果です 教育の可能性を 示しているのが 韓国です |
She would have fallen into the pond if he had not caught her by the arm. | もし彼が彼女の腕をつかまえていなかったら 彼女はいけにおちていただろう |
A big tree had fallen across the road and was in my way as I drove. | 車を運転していると 大木が道に倒れていてじゃまになっていた |
I caught sight of a huge egg that had fallen into the middle of the road. | 巨大な卵が道の真ん中落ちていたのを目に入った |
An officer approached and handed her... the wedding rings that had fallen from Mr. Satoyama's bag. | 里山さんのかばんから 転げ落ちた 結婚指輪を手渡したそうです |
Almost all the leaves have fallen. | ほとんどの葉が散ってしまった |
A fallen rock barred his way. | 落石が彼の行く手をさえぎった |
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