Translation of "of refusal" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Of refusal - translation : Refusal - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Refusal is a crime.
Shoplifting is a refusal of the exchange economy.
Shoplifting is a refusal of the exchange economy.
These conditions amount to refusal.
He gave a firm refusal.
He gave a flat refusal.
Your refusal to help complicated matters.
君が援助を断ったので 事態がややこしくなった
His answer amounts to a refusal.
He was so adamant in his refusal.
His reply was in effect a refusal.
I interpreted her silence as a refusal.
I was perfectly serious in my refusal.
私は真剣に お断りしているのです
She gave a flat refusal to my offer.
She gave a flat refusal to my offer.
A strike is a mass refusal to work by a body of employees.
He gave a flat refusal to his mother's request.
But, as with his refusal to enforce our immigration laws,
What she wants to say just adds up to a refusal.
彼女の言いたいことは結局 ノー ということだ
expressing the refusal of the residents to become a victim and the resolution to seek peace.
宣言をした自治体でつくる 日本非核宣言自治体協議会は
I had expected an outright refusal, but to my surprise she agreed.
あっさり断られると思いきや 彼女は承諾してくれました
Belicoff's softening political stance and his refusal... to cooperate with the hardliners upset a lot of people.
ベリコフの政治的スタンスと 強硬論者の拒絶は 多くの人を動揺させた
You will come aboard our ship via shuttlecraft. Your refusal would be unwise.
シャトルでこちらへ来い 拒むのは愚かだ
The greatest obstacle to her recovery was her refusal to face what she had done.
回復への最大な障害は 彼女が事実に直面して拒んだことだった
Could Muhammad have so radically changed his world without such faith, without the refusal to cede to the arrogance of closed minded certainty?
偏狭な確信による傲慢さを 拒みもしなかったら 彼は世界をこうも 根本から変えることができたでしょうか そうは思いません
And when they are called to the words of Allah and His Messenger to judge between them, at once a party of them turns aside in refusal .
かれらの間は裁きのために アッラーと使徒の前に呼び出されると 見なさい 一部の者は回避する
They aim their pictures at your best instincts, generosity, a sense of right and wrong, the ability and the willingness to identify with others, the refusal to accept the unacceptable.
寛容 正誤の感覚 他の人々と分かち合う能力と意思 受け入れがたいことを拒否する力に訴えるのです
Answer the call of your Lord before there cometh unto you from Allah a Day which there is no averting. Ye have no refuge on that Day, nor have a ye any (power of) refusal.
避けられない日が アッラーからあなたがたの許にやって来る前に あなたがたの主 の呼びかけ に答えなさい その日あなたがたには避難所もなく 自分の罪を 否認する余地もない
Though you Prophet may be eager to guide them, God does not guide those whom He lets go astray, because of their refusal to give a positive response to the truth . They will have no supporters.
仮令あなたがかれらを導こうと熱望しても 迷うに任せられた者を アッラーはお導きになられない かれらには援助者はないのである
And We raised over them the mount for refusal of their covenant and We said to them, Enter the gate bowing humbly , and We said to them, Do not transgress on the sabbath , and We took from them a solemn covenant.
それからかれらと約束するに当たり シナイ 山をかれらの頭上に持ち上げ 謙虚にこの門に入れ とかれらに告げ また 安息日の戒めに背いてはならない と言って われはかたい約束をかれらからとった
And lo! whenever I call unto them that Thou mayst pardon them they thrust their fingers in their ears and cover themselves with their garments and persist (in their refusal) and magnify themselves in pride.
わたしがかれらに かれが あなたがたを御赦しになるのだ と呼びかける時 かれらは指を自分の耳に差し込み 自分で外套を被って 不信心を 固執し ひたすら高慢になります
And verily! Every time I called unto them that You might forgive them, they thrust their fingers into their ears, covered themselves up with their garments, and persisted (in their refusal), and magnified themselves in pride.
わたしがかれらに かれが あなたがたを御赦しになるのだ と呼びかける時 かれらは指を自分の耳に差し込み 自分で外套を被って 不信心を 固執し ひたすら高慢になります
but as for those who are bent on denying the truth after accepting the true faith and grow in their refusal to acknowledge the truth, their repentance will not be accepted. They are the ones who have gone far astray.
だが一度信仰した後不信心になり 不信心を増長した者は 悔悟しても決して受け入れられないであろう かれらは迷い去った者である
(Muhammad), if their refusal of the faith is so grievous to you and if you can dig up the earth or ascend into the sky in search of further evidence to inevitably make them believe you, you should have done so, but note that had God wanted, He could have made them all follow the same guidance. Do not ever be unaware (of this fact).
もしかれらが反抗して去るのがあなたに酪く苦痛ならば あなたに出来るなら 地にトンネルを掘り または天に梯をかけて かれらに印を現わせ アッラーが御好みになるならば 正しい 導きの上にかれらを集められる それであなたは 無知な者の仲間となってはならない
Or I think of Cynthia Thomas, a really loyal army daughter and army wife, who, as she saw her friends and relations coming back from the Iraq War, was so shocked by their mental condition and the refusal of the military to recognize and acknowledge post traumatic stress syndrome that she set up a cafe in the middle of a military town to give them legal, psychological and medical assistance.
とても誠実な 軍人の娘であり妻です 彼女は イラク戦争から帰還した 友人や親せきに会って
I am the perceiver of thoughts, of emotion, of time, of actions, of reactions, of interactions, of change, of hope.
行動 反応 相互作用 変化や希望を知覚する
I am the perceiver of thoughts, of emotion, of time, of actions, of reactions, of interactions, of change, of hope.
行動 反応 相互作用 変化や希望を知覚する 私は信念すらも知覚する
Me was composed of stories, of cravings, of strivings, of desires of the future.
欲求や努力 将来への希望から できていました 自我は暴力的な過去に
City of Future, City of of Tomorrow?
未来 いや明日か...
Traps are of many kinds of wood, of steel, of words.
木製 鋼鉄製 言葉 だが今回 罠は都市だ
look like pictures of humans, of insects, of fishes, of birds.
魚や鳥の絵のようです 古代文字の多くは
They die of suicide, of overdose, of violence, of accidental deaths.
彼らの姿を見たら エジプトの偉大な作家
Of all of you.
Of what? Of what?
Of course, of course.
勿論 いくさ
It's tens of thousands of pairs of shoes.
私の友人レッド マクスウェルは この10年間


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