Translation of "prosecute the perpetrators" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Prosecute - translation : Prosecute the perpetrators - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I will prosecute YOU. Come,
Technically, the RlAA could come and prosecute you.
Because this isn't about individual perpetrators.
Well, the perpetrators turned the entire Internet into a battlefield.
私の場合 それまでネットで使用した
No. We don't want to prosecute anyone.
スウェーデン人に 著作権を尊重して欲しい
I was trying to prosecute arthur frobisher.
It was the government's decision whether to prosecute, not JSTOR's.
なので この訴訟も終わるのだろうと確信しました
They are the perpetrators in horror movies, such as this famous Nightwing.
ホラー映画の悪者などです また考えてみると 悪魔はいつも
They've gonna prosecute me likelike... like some kind of murderer.
俺を起訴する 殺人犯のように
Perpetrators are much more normal than that, and everyday than that.
平凡な人間です 問題は 米国含め世界中での
With a hole like this, we won't be able to prosecute.
少しだけ話を聞け この件ではヤツを 起訴できない
Leverage on Judge Faden and a DA brave enough to prosecute.
判事を動かすこと そして 勇敢な検察官
But I'm sure the FCC and this network will investigate and prosecute those responsible.
しかし 連盟および当放送局は 今回の件を調査し 責任の所在を明らかにすると
I don't know whether I can prosecute, but I think I can.
告訴してもいいんだぞ できるはずだ
In the middle of that time, the idea that this is what the government had to prosecute,
これが悲劇でないというなら まさに不条理でしょう
But in reality... there were just too many cases to prosecute each day.
多くの被疑者を抱え 毎日のように取り調べをする 気がついたら
I mean if you can catch him, how do you intend to prosecute him?
Some perpetrators have even been known to commit self plagiarism, one of the laziest crimes in the annals of the D.P.I.
自己盗作 に 手を染める者もいます これはDPI の歴史上 もっとも不精な犯罪の1つです これは なりすまし共著者 とも言われますが
And right here, I have two pictures of the probably the two most famous perpetrators of Ponzi schemes, this is
加害者の写真があります チャールズ ポンジーです
And there are women who are perpetrators, and of course there are men who are victims.
男性が被害を受ける事も 何でもあり得る
One of the families I interviewed for this project was the family of Dylan Klebold who was one of the perpetrators of the Columbine massacre.
コロンバイン高校の虐殺犯の一人 ディラン クレボルドの家族がいました 話してくれるよう説得するには 長い時間がかかりましたが
And I just want to give you the highlights of the bystander approach, because it's a big thematic shift, although there's lots of particulars, but the heart of it is, instead of seeing men as perpetrators and women as victims, or women as perpetrators, men as victims, or any combination in there.
テーマを大幅に転換する試みだからです 様々な例がありますが 核となるのは男性が加害
You know, the perpetrators aren't these monsters who crawl out of the swamp and come into town and do their nasty business and then retreat into the darkness.
沼から這い出て 町に行き 悪事を行い また暗闇に帰るのではない
But the point is, this is the same situation that can inflame the hostile imagination in some of us, that makes us perpetrators of evil, can inspire the heroic imagination in others.
人によっては悪意の想像力をかきたてたり 私達を悪の加害者にしたり 別の人には英雄的な想像力を刺激します 同じ状況がそうするのです
We focused and used discretion about whom to prosecute, focusing on criminals who endanger our communities rather than students who are earning their education.
勉学に励んでいる学生よりも 地域の危険となる犯罪人に集中 そして思慮を赴けました そして 今日 犯罪人の国外追放は80 にも上げました
So, this arc of the cosmic transformation of God's favorite angel into the Devil, for me, sets the context for understanding human beings who are transformed from good, ordinary people into perpetrators of evil.
宇宙的変化を遂げる行為は 私に 普通の善人から悪の根源へ 変貌する人間性を理解する為の
I'm a combative person, so I'm not actually so big on the nurture, but some way there is another way of nurturing victims, which is to police perpetrators of crime.
助けるという部分は 強くありません しかし 犠牲者を助ける方法は 他にもあります
The impulse to threaten, indict, prosecute, which is part of what has created this debate and controversy over online access to information on the internet, is very consistent with what we've seen in other areas.
インターネット上の情報 そしてオンラインアクセスから 生み出されたこの討論と論争のうちの1つの論点 これは他の分野で見られる論点と非常に一致している 唯一の違いは たいていこの種の 犯罪や刑務所に対する反応によって
What's even more disturbing, if that's even possible, in this overt display of misogyny on a grand scale, is that the perpetrators openly referred to this harassment campaign and their abuse as a Game .
女性蔑視の表明の中で 更に気がめいるのは 加害者たちが これらの嫌がらせや言葉の暴力を ゲーム と呼んで憚らないことです
And this social component is a powerful motivating factor that works to provide incentives for players to participate, for perpetrators, rather, to participate, and to actually escalate the attacks by earning the praise and approval of their peers.
参加を促し 襲撃を エスカレートさせる動機が プレーヤー いえ 加害者たちに 与えられるのです なぜなら 仲間たちからの称賛や承認
Compassion helps him turn away from the feeling of his suffering as the most absolute, most terrible suffering anyone has ever had and broadens his awareness of the sufferings of others, even of the perpetrators of his misery and the whole mass of beings.
それがこれまで誰かが受けた苦悩のうちで 最も専制的で 最も過酷なものであっても そして 他人の苦しみに対する認識を深めるのです それが彼の悲痛そして多くの存在に対する 加害者の苦しみであったとしても
I think the thing that troubled the British most was that the perpetrators were not invaders, but homegrown citizens whose religious and political identities were more important to them than the people they grew up with, went to school with, worked with, shared weekends with, shared meals with.
犯人がよそ者ではなく地元住民だったことだと思います 犯人には 宗教的 政治的アイデンティティの方が 共に育ち 共に学び
I don't know what else he had going, but you're certainly not much of a Computer Crimes Prosecutor without a computer crime to prosecute, so he jumped on it, kept if for himself, didn't assign it to someone else within the office or the unit and that's Steve Heymann.
コンピューター犯罪を起訴したこともないような人は 完全に コンピューター犯罪検察官 向きではないですよね 従って仮に彼が検察官の座を拒否し続けたとしたら 職員や部隊の中に任命できる人間はいない それがスティーヴン ヘイマンです
In London, for instance, where the BAE got away with a huge corruption case, which the Serious Fraud Office tried to prosecute, 100 million British pounds, every year for ten years, to one particular official of one particular friendly country, who then bought for 44 billion pounds of military equipment.
BAE社が 大規模な汚職事件の訴追を免れています 重大不正監視局が訴追しようとしました
Physicians for Human Rights this is moving a little bit outside the health field they're basically training people to do rape exams in Congo, where this is an epidemic, a horrible epidemic, and they're using our software to document the evidence they find, including photographically, so that they can bring the perpetrators to justice.
この取り組みは 保健医療とは少し違います PHRはコンゴで レイプ検査の手順を 人々に教えていました 需要が非常に高かったからです
And it's important to make a distinction, because if the news is anything to go by, 40 percent of Americans can't either can't afford health insurance or have the most inadequate health insurance, and have a president who, despite the protest of millions of his citizens even his own Congress continues to prosecute a senseless war.
40パーセントのアメリカ人は 健康保険を払えないか 全く不適切な健康保険に入っており しかも 彼らの大統領は数百万人にのぼる市民の抗議や
If the tragic incident of September 11, and the military actions against Afghanistan and Iraq that left millions killed and homeless had not happened and if, instead of killing and throwing the culprit into the sea without trial or without informing the world and people of America, an independent fact finding team had been formed to make the general public aware of the truth behind the incident and prepare for bringing to justice the perpetrators
何百万もの人々が殺されず 家を失わなかったならば そして 裁判もなく一方的に決めた罪人を 世界や アメリカ人に伝える事もなしに 海に捨てさる事がなかったならば 個々の事実を調査するチームが
We've created a tool that lets programs keep kids in school, track the number of babies that are born and the number of babies that die, catch criminals and successfully prosecute them to do all these different things to learn more about what's going on, to understand more, to see more ... and to save lives and improve lives.
子どもの学業継続の支援 乳児の出生数や死亡数の集計 犯罪者の逮捕と起訴などに 役立てるツールです この活動で 我々が目指しているのは
The higher the bitrate, the better the quality and the larger the file.
高いビットレートに設定すると品質は向上しますが ファイルサイズは大きくなります
Because the cleaner the body, the cleaner the soul the cleaner the experience.
魂も感覚も 研ぎ澄まされる
The dictionary, the dictionary, the dictionary, the dictionary.
不特定の辞書 や 複数の辞書 ではありません
The bigger the environment, the easier the control.
Well, tough, 'cause you're getting in.
The 1, the 0, the 1, the 0.
The smaller the area, the bigger the pressure.
圧力は高くなる だから 重いものを持っても
The better the process, the less the friction.
そして摩擦をいかに軽減できるかが 結果を握ります


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