Translation of "she has taken" to Japanese language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
She has taken over. | 彼女が引き継いだのよ |
She has taken to painting in oils. | 彼女は油絵を始めた |
She has taken up knitting in her spare time. | 彼女は余暇に編み物を始めた |
She has taken a great hold on the public mind. | 彼女は大衆の心をしっかりつかんでいますね |
She shoulda taken charge. | きちんと扱うべきだった |
It has taken Boromir. | ボロミアが取り憑かれた |
She was taken from me. | だが 奪われた |
Who has taken my handbag? | だれが私のハンドバッグを持っていったのかしら |
He has taken to gardening. | 彼は庭いじりをするようになった |
The name he has taken | 彼がとった名前 パーカー するとボスが俺の胸を指で 突いて言うんだ |
He has taken the lead! | やりました |
Xerxes has taken the bait. | クセルクセスはおとりに掛かった |
She was taken ill on holiday. | 彼女は休みの日に突然病気になった |
She was taken to hospital unconscious. | 彼女は意識不明のまま病院に運ばれた |
She had already taken sleeping pills. | 睡眠薬を飲んでたから |
It already has taken me hours. | もう何時間も掛かったよ |
He has taken to drinking recently. | 彼は最近酒を飲む癖が付いた |
He has taken to drinking recently. | 彼は最近飲みはじめた |
He has taken to drinking recently. | 彼は最近飲みすぎだ |
He has taken to drinking recently. | 彼は結構飲まされていた |
He has taken on bad ways. | 彼は悪に染まってしまった |
The baby has taken to him. | 赤ん坊がかれになついた |
But we have taken steps to see she has never cause to run away again. | また家出などしないように しっかりと見守っていきます |
She had a bad tooth taken out. | 彼女は悪い歯を抜いてもらった |
She must have taken the wrong bus. | 彼女はバスを間違えたにちがいない |
She was taken in by the salesman. | 彼女はセールスマンにだまされた |
She was taken in by his manners. | 彼女は彼の態度に騙された |
TV has taken the place of radio. | テレビがラジオに取って代わった |
He has taken over his father's business. | 彼は お父さんのビジネスを引き継ぎました |
Electricity has taken the place of steam. | 電気が蒸気にとって代わった |
Someone has taken my shoes by mistake. | 誰かが私の靴を間違ってはいてしまった |
My daughter has taken up doll collecting. | 私の娘は人形を集め始めた |
My life has taken another turn again. | 再び 人生の転機が訪れた |
His true identity has taken a backseat | 本当の自分を しまい込んで |
My nephew has taken over the business. | 甥が家業を継いだんだ. |
The delay has taken away their momentum | 遅れは彼らの勢いをそぎました |
If I hadn't taken the money, maybe she would have taken my stack. | こっちが 取らなきゃさ 取られていたかも しれないからな |
She has. | ええ |
If the has taken me to somebody as Dellarowe he she would not have caught them. | 僕がデラロウに 絵を持っていったら... 断られたろう |
No sooner had she gone there than she was taken ill. | そこに出かけるやいなや彼女は病気になった |
She came to herself when she was taken to the hospital. | 彼女は病院に連れていかれた時に正気にかえった |
She hasn't come yet. She may have taken a wrong bus. | 彼女はまだ来ない 間違ったバスに乗ったのかもしれない |
It has taken many years, but it has been very rewarding. | 次のスライドに移る前に |
She was taken in by his gentlemanly appearance. | 彼女は彼の紳士らしい体裁にだまされてしまった |
She was completely taken in by his smile. | 彼女は彼の笑顔に完全にだまされた |
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