Translation of "with hesitation" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Hesitation - translation : With - translation : With hesitation - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Why I passed on it with my hesitation?
Number two hesitation is bad.
これはヨセミテのトゥオルミ メドウズでの
I couldn't understand your hesitation.
Without hesitation, I granted his request.
Without hesitation Sometimes I make it
He sold his own car without hesitation.
The defendant appealed against the sentence without hesitation.
I have no hesitation in telling the truth.
I would choose the first one without hesitation.
それは 相手が好きだからということも あるかもしれませんが
You should make sure of the fact without hesitation.
A moment's hesitation may cost a pilot his life.
Without the slightest hesitation, he sold his own car.
After some hesitation, he laid the book on the desk.
しばらくためらった後で 彼は本を机の上に置いた
As he says here, most people answer without any hesitation.
Without a moment's hesitation, they took drastic action against the conspiracy.
ためらうことなく その陰謀にたいする徹底した対抗処置をとった
If their town had been stormed, and they had been incited to sedition, they would have rebelled with little hesitation.
もしかれら 敵軍 が四方からそこに侵入して来て 反乱を呼びかけたなら かれらは必ずこれを受け入れ 少しも それに 遅れることはなかったであろう
She stepped backward little then jumped off to the cold sea without hesitation
自分が 死ななきゃ と思っているところに 前で何か落ちたので うわっ
Had it been invaded from its sides, and they were asked to dissent, they would have done so with little hesitation.
もしかれら 敵軍 が四方からそこに侵入して来て 反乱を呼びかけたなら かれらは必ずこれを受け入れ 少しも それに 遅れることはなかったであろう
This is very important for me to be able to take a decision without hesitation.
非常にですね ためらいなく あるいは躊躇なく 選択をしていく という ためにはですね 非常に重要なんではないかな という風に思っています
I wouldn't have a second's hesitation of blowing your head off in front of them.
俺は今ここで躊躇なく その頭をふっ飛ばせる
Had they been invaded from its flanks and had they been asked to apostatize, they would have done so with only a mild hesitation,
もしかれら 敵軍 が四方からそこに侵入して来て 反乱を呼びかけたなら かれらは必ずこれを受け入れ 少しも それに 遅れることはなかったであろう
I would recommend ULearn without hesitation because really, for me, the system they use is very good.
学校で使われるシステムが非常に素晴らしいからです そして何より教職スタッフが優秀です
That we have a hesitation in espousing the universality of democratic culture because we are associating that we associate believing in the universality of our values with extremists.
ためらいを感じます なぜなら 自分たちの 価値観の普遍性を信じることは
But I'm really glad to have the clock seen to, he said, seeing a certain hesitation in Mr. Henfrey's manner.
氏Henfreyの方法インチ とても嬉しい
Like you, I was forced to learn there are those without decency who must be fought without hesitation, without pity.
君のように思い知らされた 躊躇も憐れみもなく たおす悪がいることを
The stranger, after some hesitation, leant against one of the gate posts, produced a short clay pipe, and prepared to fill it.
短い粘土のパイプ およびそれを埋めるために準備 そうしながら彼の指が震えた
like to see a live witness to see whether they can pick up the telltale signs of mendacity the blink, the hesitation.
それは瞬きや口ごもりといった 虚偽のサインを見つけられるからです ですから証人を自身の目で 直接見たいんです
O Believers, if you are true worshippers of Allah alone, eat without hesitation of the good and clean things wherewith We have provided you and be grateful to Allah.
信仰する者よ われがあなたがたに与えた良いものを食べなさい そしてアッラーに感謝しなさい もしあなたがたが本当に かれに仕えるのであるならば
Beware of the man with... with... with... with...
気をつけな... 男に... 男...
With loving kindness, with patience, with openness?
これは それらの偉大な瞑想家が行っていることです
With joy, with gratitude, and with love,
Ä é Å   é Æ ð ³Ž µ Ä ½ Æ Å B Í A
And if they attack you first (even in that sacred area), strike them (without any hesitation) this is the due punishment for such disbelievers. If, however, they desist from fighting (you should also do likewise), and know that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
だがかれらが 戦いを 止めたならば 本当にアッラーは 寛容にして慈悲深くあられる
With strength! With power!
Because we connect with her, with here, with the heart not with here, with the brain.
心が 繋がるから 敏感になって そして繋がりましょう
We were experimenting with type, with illustration, with photos.
イラストや写真でも とても楽しかった それらはすぐに結果をもたらし始めました
Stay with me. Victor, stay with me! Stay with...
With the meeting with Weaver.
with them that strive with me.
校長室 ちゃんと理由を説明しよう
With a swing, not with force.
はずみだ 力じゃない
Stay with him. Stay with him.
そのまま彼を映していろ そのままだ
Come with us. Come with us.


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