Translation of "fda compliant" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Compliant - translation : Fda compliant - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

FDA, actually.
He's been compliant as hell.
Replace already running ICCCM2.0 compliant window manager
既に動作している ICCCM2.0 準拠のウィンドウマネージャを置き換える
Remember non compliant means having stiff blood vessels.
This is my non compliant diastolic blood pressure.
こちらが硬化している方の血圧 ここでも数字を入れましょう 100と80です
Here is a beautifully compliant son of mine
A simple program to manage UPnP IGD compliant routers
UPnP IGD 互換ルーターを管理する単純なプログラム
A powerful ICCCM compliant multiple virtual desktop window manager
複数の仮想デスクトップをサポートした ICCCM 準拠のパワフルなウィンドウマネージャName
And then one person with very non compliant vessels.
When he came to his Lord with a heart compliant,
Select Source allows me to choose a TWAlN compliant device.
CorelDRAW では TWAIN がサポートされています
The FDA allows manufacturers to claim that their products contain
最大0.5グラムまでなら 製品にトランス脂肪酸が 使用されていても
This device was just FDA approved in the last year.
実際の患者です 針金が柔軟にカーブに沿っていますね
And they would all be legally compliant by doing this booking.
全員 倉庫での研修済みで 好きな人数だけ選ぶわけです
You don't have any of that on the non compliant side.
以上のようなことから 血管が柔軟であるということはとても大事なことなのです
One individual with very compliant blood vessels and that person as a result of the fact that they are compliant is going to be very happy.
A graphical user interface for handling and issuing X.509 compliant Certificates
X.509 互換証明書を取扱ったり発行するためのグラフィカルユーザーインターフェース
I'll write it out again because I want to make sure we see clearly the difference between someone with compliant blood vessels and someone with non compliant vessels.
伸展性の高い血管の人と伸展性の低い血管の人 この違いはとても重要です 伸展性の低い血管というのは硬い血管のことです
Instead, FDA recommends the final method we demonstrated, the running water method.
流水洗浄を推奨しています この方法は早く簡単に行え
SS Researchers are hoping to present their studies to the FDA this summer.
The MBI unit has now been FDA approved, but it's not yet widely available.
まだ広く使われていません ですから高濃度乳腺の女性は
So if you're ever thinking about the issue of compliance, when we're talking about stiffness, think about these curves and the fact that where the slope is tells you how compliant something is, and that arteries are going to be more compliant than a stiff pipe, certainly, but less compliant than the veins.
このような図を思い浮かべると この線の勾配で硬さが分かります ですから 動脈はパイプよりも伸展性が低く 静脈よりも高いということが分かります
It is compliant. You can actually change the force, simply just changing the air pressure.
If you had a more compliant personality, I could have made you forget what you saw.
君がもっと素直なら 記憶を消す事ができた
Ten percent of people in the trial had this dramatic response that was shown here, and the drug went to the FDA, and the FDA said, Without a placebo, how do I know patients actually benefited from the drug?
この薬は米国食品医薬品局 FDA に送られました FDAではどうやって偽薬無しの試験で この薬によって良い結果が得られたと言えるのかと
It's now been FDA approved, and it'll hopefully be on the market in the next year or so.
来年以降市場に出てくるでしょう 素晴らしさが伝えられればよいのですが
There is no area of the government not the EPA or the FDA that controls genetically engineered pets.
遺伝子組み換えペットを扱っていません そしてある州は許可し
The FDA estimates that of all the Americans who have tattoos, 17 percent of us regret getting them.
アメリカ人でタトゥーのある人のうち 17 が後悔しているそうです それはジョニー デップと私
So the morning the FDA was going to meet, this was the editorial in the Wall Street Journal.
これがウォールストリートジャーナルの社説に載りました FDAから患者へ案内 ドロップ デッド 笑
They took all of the trials which were submitted to the FDA as part of the approval package.
実際にどれだけの治験が行われたかを 知ることはできないので
Here's a woman with a breast cancer, being treated with the antiangiogenic drug called Avastin, which is FDA approved.
血管新生抑制剤であるアバスチンで治療中です FDAで認可されている薬です ガンを進行させていた血流の輪が
That drug Jones claims it's in my body, cortexiphan, it's a drug patented but not approved by the FDA.
ええ ジョーンズが私も処置されたと言った コーテキシファンっていうのは 特許権はあるがFDA 食品医薬品局 未承認の薬よ
And the same region of the heart and blood vessels in someone with non compliant arteries would look like this.
Use persistent proxy connection. Although a persistent proxy connection is faster, note that it only works correctly with proxies that are fully HTTP 1.1 compliant. Do not use this option in combination with non HTTP 1.1 compliant proxy servers such as JunkBuster and WWWOfle.
プロキシに対して持続的接続を使う 持続的接続を使うと速度が向上します ただし これは HTTP 1.1 を完全にサポートしているプロキシでのみ正しく機能します JunkBuster や WWWOfle といった HTTP 1.1 に対応していないプロキシサーバでは このオプションは使わないでください
And this is, in 2004, the FDA has approved MR guided focused ultrasounds for the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids.
症候性子宮筋腫に対する MRガイド下集束超音波治療を承認しました この疾患は女性を苦しめるものです
The next step is to make compliant toes, and try to add spines and claws and set it for dry adhesives.
爪やトゲを追加して乾式接着剤をくっつけることです まずは1本足と足の指の形状を固めて
The second news was that I was the only person in this FDA protocol who always took their medication on time.
薬を時間通りに欠かさず注射したのは 私だけだったということです なぜ私には できたのか
Building PHP with iODBC support enables you to use any ODBC compliant drivers with your PHP applications. iODBC is maintained by OpenLink Software.
サポートされるデータベースにアクセスするためには 所定のライブラリがインストールされている必要があります
So lets imagine that we have now for our first person who has compliant blood vessels in systole. What will that look like.
ここから大動脈を伸ばします 柔らかい血管はこんな風になります
I told them it would probably take five years to get through the FDA, and probably 10 years to be reasonably functional.
十分機能するものができるまで10年はかかる iPodを新たに作るようなものなんだ
In this non compliant person's vessels they actually look basically the same. It is not going to look any different. You've got your atherosclerosis.
ここに硬化があります これが拡張期と収縮期の違いです
For example, here's a leg the clear part is stiff, the white part is compliant, and you don't need any axles there or anything.
白い部分は柔軟性があるので 軸などなしに 丁度良い具合に曲がります
And just last month the first FDA approved application was approved to allow radiologists to do actual reading on these sorts of devices.
放射線技師による 計測が承認されました 私を含め今日の医師は
Based on this trial, in April of this year, the FDA approved Tumor Treating Fields for the treatment of patients with recurrent GBM.
今年の4月に 米食品医薬局がTTFを 再発膠芽腫患者対象の
Importantly, it was the first time ever that the FDA included in their approval of an oncology treatment a quality of life claim.
癌の治療の承認に QOLの申し立てを含めたのは これが初めてでした


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