Translation of "have departed" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Departed - translation : Have - translation : Have departed - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

He may have already departed.
We should have departed earlier.
I could reboot myself once you have departed.
君が旅立てば 私は自分を再起動する
Up in the sky, into which you have departed,
So they departed, whispering together,
He departed from the old custom.
Tom departed on a solo journey.
What was his name, the departed?
殺されたヤツの名前は なんて マイルス?
My friend departed from Narita for Paris.
He departed in spite of the storm.
His story departed from his main theme.
So they departed, talking in low voices
He departed for London the day before yesterday.
The group departed as soon as he arrived.
一行は 彼が到着するとまもなく出発した
So they departed from him turning their backs.
Then he departed Unto his house hold conceitedly.
And so they departed, whispering to one another
So they turned away from him, and departed.
If I departed not, and left him there.
PRINCEは 私に手紙を与えます 私はそれになります
They departed ten days in advance of our party.
He departed without so much as saying good bye.
His untidy room announced that he had abruptly departed.
No sooner had he arrived than the bus departed.
彼が到着するや否や バスは出発した
As far as I know, she hasn't departed yet.
私の知る限りでは 彼女はまだ出発していない
So they departed, conversing in secret low tones (saying),
So they departed, conversing in secret low tones, (saying)
Moses in Exodus, departed before they could address him.
出エジプト記ではモーゼは ファラオが阻止する前に去った
Allah said, But indeed, We have tried your people after you departed , and the Samiri has led them astray.
かれは仰せられた 本当にわれはあなたの去った後あなたの民を試みたが サーミリーがかれらを迷わせた
Up in the sky, into which you have departed, there is a star that gently shines down on me.
And so, each one of them departed towards the place they belong.
誠人の声 そして みんなは それぞれの場所に旅立っていったんだ
So they turned away from him, and departed (for fear of the disease).
I'm talking about the souls of mortal men and women departed from this life!
人生から解き放たれた不滅の魂について これから私は語ろうと思います
When they came to you they said 'We are believers' Indeed, they have entered with disbelief, and so they have departed with it Allah knows best what they conceal.
かれらがあなたがたの許に来た時 わたしたちは信仰する と言った だがかれらは実に不信心で入り また不信心で出て行く者たちである アッラーはかれらの隠すことを熟知なされる
Their leaders departed, saying, Walk away! Hold fast to your deities. This is clearly a conspiracy.
そして かれらの長老たちは立ち去りながら その場にいた仲間に言う 行きなさい そしてあなたがたの神々を守り通しなさい これは 一神教の教え 全くの企らみです
When they come to you, they say, 'We believe' but they have entered in unbelief, and so they have departed in it God knows very well what they were hiding.
かれらがあなたがたの許に来た時 わたしたちは信仰する と言った だがかれらは実に不信心で入り また不信心で出て行く者たちである アッラーはかれらの隠すことを熟知なされる
When they come to you, they say, We believe, though they have entered with disbelief, and they have departed with it. But God is well aware of what they hide.
かれらがあなたがたの許に来た時 わたしたちは信仰する と言った だがかれらは実に不信心で入り また不信心で出て行く者たちである アッラーはかれらの隠すことを熟知なされる
And if We let him taste favour after harm hath touched him, he saith the ills have departed from me verily he becometh elated, boastful.
だが災いに見舞われた後われがもし恩恵を味わしめると かれは 不幸はわたしから去ってしまった と言って必ず狂喜して自慢する
We're not supposed to get too close to them... but my dear departed father never stopped me.
しかし 私の愛する出発した父 私を停止したことがない
Other than Allah? They will say, They have departed from us rather, we did not used to invoke previously anything. Thus does Allah put astray the disbelievers.
アッラーを 差し置いていたのか かれらは 答えて かれら 神々 は わたしたちから離れ去りました いや わたしたちは以前 何も 実在のものに 祈ってはいなかったのです と言う このようにアッラーは不信心の者を迷うに任せられる
The chiefs among them departed saying go, and persevere in your gods verily this is a thing designed.
そして かれらの長老たちは立ち去りながら その場にいた仲間に言う 行きなさい そしてあなたがたの神々を守り通しなさい これは 一神教の教え 全くの企らみです
And say, Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood, by nature , ever bound to depart.
言え 今や 真理は下り 虚偽は消え去りました 本当に虚偽は常に消える定めにあります
I thus warmed myself by the still glowing embers which the summer, like a departed hunter, had left.
ハンターは 残っていた 私は煙突を構築するために来たときに私が学んだ
May his soul, and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
すべての魂と共に 主の慈悲に包まれますように
So he departed therefrom, fearful and vigilant he said, 'My Lord, deliver me from the people of the evildoers.'
それでかれは 恐れながら あたりを 見回し そこから逃げ出し 祈って 不義の民からわたしを御救い下さい と言った
As the caravan departed, their father said 'I smell the scent of Joseph, unless you think I am foolish'
隊商が エジプトを たった時 かれらの父は 左右の者に 言った わたしは確かにユースフの匂を嗅いだ だがあなたがたは 老衰のせいだと思うであろう


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