Translation of "thinly sliced" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Sliced - translation : Thinly - translation : Thinly sliced - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

They took the tapioca roots up to the kitchen, sliced them thinly and made delicious chips.
薄切りにしておいしいチップスを作りました ここの土地について話しましょう
Tom sliced the onion.
Tom sliced the onion.
Tom sliced the apple.
Tom sliced the apple.
He sliced her up.
She eats sliced raw fish.
Thinly shave the yuzu peel with a knife.
The cutting machine sliced the salmon.
That the success of sliced bread,
ここで語られる ほぼ全ての成功の話と同じように
He sliced through the wind magic?
このおとぼけ猫は突っ込みづらい なんじゃこりゃ
I like to spread my toast thinly with jam.
This helps keep the sliced cheese intact.
でも 隙間が空きますので ゆれたりするとちょっと心配です
Damn it, man! I sliced my hand!
ちく生 手を切った
Now, place the slices onto the sliced onions.
He sliced in front of him in line.
This is the best thing since sliced bread! I don't know what the best thing was before sliced bread, however.
これはスライスしたパンの発明以来最高の出来事だ! スライスしたパンの発明以前で最高の出来事が何かは知らないけどね
Now, before sliced bread was invented in the 1910s
みんな なんて言っていたのでしょう
That woman was sliced through water quiet and calm.
あの女性は 水の静けさと落ち着きを突き通した
The fruit is grown, harvested, sliced and you just throw it away!
Thinly slice it along the grain. Then, distribute the onion around the center of the plate.
Remnants of packthread, and old cakes of roses, Were thinly scatter'd, to make up a show.
男は今毒を必要としなかった場合 自分に私は言った この極端な欠乏に留意し
The thinly shredded daikon skin can be used for miso soup so don't throw it away.
2 3mm厚さに切ります
As the war escalates in the Outerrim, the Jedi knights are spread thinly across the galaxy.
アウター リムで戦争が段階的に拡大 されてる中 ジェダイ ナイトが銀河で まばらに散らばる
Some maniac sliced him up like a kielbasa... hacked him in the shower.
殺人鬼か彼を裂いた シャワーで
They used html table cells, sliced and diced images and that's how they worked.
なってしまいました そこで CSSを使って
The brain is removed from the skull, and then it's sliced into one centimeter slices.
1cm厚にスライスされていきます このように凍結し
I mean, check it, seven ply maple hardwood sliced through it like it was cheese.
鋼鉄のボードが スライスチーズだぜ
When the subject is still very thinly populated, you can with diligence and hard work become the world authority.
一生懸命努力すれば世界的権威になれるのです 一生懸命努力すれば世界的権威になれるのです 世界はそのような専門家を必要としているし
In one project, cadavers, that's dead bodies, were frozen and sliced into thousands of wafer thin discs.
死体が冷凍され 何千枚もにスライスにされ それらの スライス は写真に撮られて
And the thing about the invention of sliced bread is this that for the first 15 years after sliced bread was available no one bought it no one knew about it it was a complete and total failure.
発明されてから15年間 誰も買わなかったし 誰も知らなかったし 完全なる失敗だったということです なぜなら Wonderブランドのパンが現れて
Can I have a show of hands if you have a loaf of sliced bread in your house?
家に食パンがある人は 挙手をお願いできますか? そして家でその食パンの両端の
And I sliced the little splinters of wood with a broken shard of glass, constructed this little apartment.
そして 小さなアパートを作ったのさ 出来あがったとき 掘っ立て小屋のようにしか見えなかったけど
I can't tell you how many times I've seen battle droids sliced in half by a lone Jedi.
ジェダイがボトル ドロイドを真っ二つに 切ったと何回も見たことあるよ
They came from all over the world to make their homes in this new land, which was thinly populated by native Indians.
彼らは 原住民のインディアンがわずかに住んでいたこの新世界に世界の各地からやってきて家を気付いたのであった
Before I can do that I've got to tell you about sliced bread, and a guy named Otto Rohwedder.
He carved the pentagram into his chest then sliced open his arms with an... elaborate shiv made out of a flattened spoon.
胸にペンタグラムを刻み 腕を開いて切ったー 平たいスプーンで出来た 精巧なナイフで
But this guy named Otto Rohwedder invented sliced bread, and he focused, like most inventors did, on the patent part and the making part.
そして他の発明家と同様に 彼は特許や製造工程に着目していました スライスしたパンの発明について言えることは
And the reason is that until Wonder came along and figured out how to spread the idea of sliced bread, no one wanted it.
スライスしたパンというアイディアを広める方法 を思いつくまで 誰もほしがらなかったからです このスライスパンの成功で大事なのは
The culture in which we live now is awash with music of improvisation that's been sliced, diced, layered and, God knows, distributed and sold.
音楽は即興性にあふれ 切り刻まれ 再構築され 市場に出回ります
Oh yeah this one time a Goth chick came in and sliced her finger and asked him to sign in the book in blood.
そうそう で ゴス系の娘が来て 指を切った血で サインするよう頼んだ
So instead, we decided to take the column, and we decided to build it as a layered model, made out of very many slices, thinly stacked over each other.
薄い層を何層も重ね 積み上げて 円柱を造り上げました これは先ほどの
And they probably sliced and diced these things and sold it to other people and got it rated as triple A and all of that.
他の人にそれを売却し それとしてトリプル A評価とされるでしょう しかし 次に何が起こるでしょう
We didn't have junk food at home, we didn't own a microwave, and we were the only family on the block that didn't eat sliced white bread.
近所で 白いパンを食べないのは 我が家だけでした 代わりに ライ麦パンを食べました
With our forces stretched so thinly, I'm gonna enlist the help of the freedom fighters led by Cham Syndulla. His fight against the droids has made him a symbol of freedom for the people.
軍が無理強いされてるから チャム シンデュラを指揮 してるフリーダム ファイターの支援を仰ぐ 彼のドロイドとの戦いは民間にとって自由の象徴となった


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