Translation of "which may" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Which - translation : Which may - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

May I ask which you prefer?
for the unbelievers, which none may avert,
不信心者は それを防ぐことは出来ない
which none but the pure may touch
清められた者の外 触れることが出来ない
You may say before this gentleman anything which you may say to me.
そのあなたが私に言うかもしれない カウントは 彼の広い肩をすくめた
You may say before this gentleman anything which you may say to me.
カウントは 彼の広い肩をすくめ
That therein is yours that which. ye may choose?
あなたがたが選ぶものは 何でもその啓典の中にあるのか
by the lote tree beyond which none may pass
誰も越せない 涯にある スィドラ木の傍で
Near the Lote tree beyond which none may pass
誰も越せない 涯にある スィドラ木の傍で
And which one is a democracy? you may argue,
あなたはこう主張するでしょう 国Aはたぶん中国で
That Allah may forgive thee that which hath preceded of thy fault and that which may come later, and may accomplish the more His favour on thee, and may keep thee guided on the straight path.
それはアッラーが あなたのために過去と今後の罪を赦し またあなたへの恩恵を果して正しい道に導もいて下さり
It's entirely up to you which one you may choose.
どちらを選ぼうが それは完全に君次第だ
She may be late, in which case we will wait.
彼女は遅れてくるかもしれません 其の場合は待ちます
Wash the chicory and remove the leaves which may spoil.
チコリを洗って 葉は腐るので取り除いておきましょう
like the values of variables which may change, in environments.
環境は関数呼び出しをする度に 複数つながっていきます
Now there are two ways in which we may proceed.
Hundreds of other users may suffer for minor issues, which therefore may have to be addressed first.
その問題を先に対処する必要があります 長期間問題となっているバグにも同じことが言えます
Save that which Allah may will. Verily He knoweth the public and that which is hidden.
アッラーの御望みがない限りは 本当にかれは 表われたものと隠れたものを知っておられる
There was an error in the program which may cause problems
They may capture sensitive information, which should not go to developers.
記録されたスクリプトは 異なる環境ではリプレイできないかもしれません
The second one, which would be orthogonal, may look like this.
Which you may not realize is how prevalent it is today.
米国では年間38,000人もの 自殺者が出ています
To which the barman says may I push in your stool? .
バーテンが言った あなたの椅子に割り込んでもいい
That Allah may forgive thee of thy sin that which is past and that which is to come, and may perfect His favour unto thee, and may guide thee on a right path,
それはアッラーが あなたのために過去と今後の罪を赦し またあなたへの恩恵を果して正しい道に導もいて下さり
That through this Promise Allah may expiate from them the worst of that which they may have worked, and may recompense them their hire for the best of that which they have been working.
それでアッラーは かれらの行いの最悪のものでも消滅なされ かれらの行った最善のものをとって報奨を与えられる
Or He may destroy them because of that which they have earned, and He may pardon many of them.
またかれは 人びとが 自ら犯した罪のために それら 船 を難破させることも出来る だが その罪の 多くを許される
He may yet fulfil the destiny to which he was born. Yotsuya
生まれてきた定め要請を行 っているように思う
Which means that he may be on his way here right now.
Margaret Mead and have a better feel for which behaviors are socially constructed and which may be essential.
知っておくべきでしょう 思っている以上に大きな部分が 社会的に作られています
And that's the same thing as seven plus seven, which you may or may not know is equal to fourteen.
それは14 に等しいです あるいは 単にこれは12よりも 2大きいと言うことができます
Well done, May. May?
メイ ジューンじゃなかったっけ
You may. You may.
I may have to come home late, in which case I'll telephone you.
帰宅が遅くなるかもしれない その場合は電話する
and yet there is a barrier between them which they may not overstep.
だが 両者の間には アッラーの配慮によって 障壁があリ一方が他方を制圧することはない
Knowing which species to encourage may be just a case of careful observation.
Japanese crafts may be the objects, which can be used in daily life.
I have coded notes here, which may be of some interest to you.
暗号化されたノートを持ってきました 興味をもたれるかもしれません
Although they all lack certain minerals which may account for his follicular dilemma.
小胞体ジレンマを説明するかもしれない 特定のミネラルが不足するが
We have some documents here, which you may want to look over later.
報告書のコピーを 後で見たいかと
by which he may warn those who are living and may let the words of God come true against the unbelievers.
生ける者に警告を与え また不信心な者に対してはは御言葉が下される
Say It may be that some of the events which ye wish to hasten on may be (close) in your pursuit!
言ってやるがいい あなたがたの急いでいることの幾つかは あなたがたに迫っているかも知れない
Moses said to him May l follow you that you may teach me something of the wisdom which you have been taught?
ムーサーはかれに あなたに師事させて下さい あなたが授かっておられる正しい知識を わたしに御教え下さい と言った
One diagnostic tool is a battery meter, which may increase or decrease your belief that the battery may cause your car failure.
診断結果によってエンジンがかからない原因が バッテリーかどうか分かりますね バッテリーの古さも知りたいところです
Now, you may or may not remember well, there's a slight, subtle thing in this, which would give you the wrong answer.
微妙なことで 間違った答えを得ます 先のビデオでは グリーンの定理を
But you may, you may.
しかし あなたの世界観は 人生のありとあらゆる事に影響します
This is useful when handling binary data which may not be in MIME format.


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