Translation of "Privately" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Privately - translation :
Keywords : 個人 組織 内輪

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Reply Privately to Bug
A long chat. Privately.
Can I talk to you privately?
I need to speak to you privately.
誕生日は9月10日ではなく10月10日なの   えっ
shelby, we really need to talk. Privately.
シェルビー 2人だけで話したいんだ
I think we're gonna want to talk privately.
Maybe we should speak privately. Come on outside.
別室で詳しく伺いましょう 外へどうぞ
Privately funded with presence in 83 recorded countries.
He contrived a means of speaking to Nancy privately.
largest privately owned textile empire with an iron hand.
ロジャー ミルケンという方です ミルケン氏は会ってもよいと
But privately, if it's not in front of anyone.
他の人が見ていないから そういう会話も
There are three underpinnings of working in space privately.
そのうちの一つは 経済的な
I... I want a quick word with you privately.
僕は あなたとちょっと内密に話がしたい
So they discussed their strategy among themselves and conferred privately,
そこでかれらはお互いに策を練って論じあったが 勿論その相談は秘密にした
and again appealed to them publicly and confided with them privately,
或る時は公に また 或る時は 密かにかれらに 訴えて
It's this spot, in the song. Could you coach me privately...
こごんとごなんですけど でぎれば 個人的に...
Then I appealed to them publicly, and I spoke to them privately.
或る時は公に また 或る時は 密かにかれらに 訴えて
I would like to meet privately with my fellow heads of state.
The marina is privately owned, on lease by the city of sausalito.
このマリーナは 個人の所有地で サウサリート市が借りているんです
Then he turned away privately Unto his household, and brought a calf fatted.
それでかれはそっと家族のところに引き返し 肥えた仔牛 の焼肉 を持って出て
Call upon your Lord humbly and privately. He does not love the aggressors.
謙虚にまた目立たない隠れたところで あなたがたの主に祈れ かれは教えに背く者を御好みになられない
Pray to your Lord humbly and privately. God does not love the transgressors.
謙虚にまた目立たない隠れたところで あなたがたの主に祈れ かれは教えに背く者を御好みになられない
I will tell you everything in person,but,uh,this must happen privately.
直接お話します 非公開で
Call upon your Lord in humility and privately indeed, He does not like transgressors.
謙虚にまた目立たない隠れたところで あなたがたの主に祈れ かれは教えに背く者を御好みになられない
It has been privately revealed to Professor Huxtane that an asteroid killed the dinosaurs.
恐竜は隕石のために滅びたのです (笑)
In the economic system in traditional Africa, the means of production is privately owned.
生産手段は個人所有です また 拡大家族で所有されます
If you'll allow me to give you a piece of friendly advice, do it now, privately.
衷心からの助言をいたしましょう 今おやりなさい ご自身で
I have some information for you you might prefer to discuss privately. Miss Palmer's my husband's sister.
行方不明は 違法ではありません
Extremists saw him as a threat. Privately,many in the government did not care if he died.
過激派は彼を脅威とみなし 政府も黙認してた
She wanted to speak to me privately to share some important news at the Café de la Place.
重要な知らせがあると 私と個人的に話したがっていた
And he has already suspended his support for terrorist organizations, and privately, he's advocating for a twostate solution.
彼はもうテロ組織と 関わってないし 密かに交換条件を 持ちかけてるのよ
Then Pharaoh withdrew to consult privately , summoned up his guile, and then arrived at the scene of the contest .
そこでフィルアウンは引き取り やがて計画を練って 返って 来た
So they privately got advice from a famous lyricist, who I won't name, and he faxed them some suggestions.
内々に助言を受け 改善案がファックスされました そのファックスを私たちも入手して
Listed as the logistician in the executive profile for SENSA, a privately funded think tank with offices in D.C,
センサという組織に 交通アドバイザーとして 働き その組織はプライベート組織
I need to speak to her privately. We'll be back we won't be very long, and they went and left her.
We know well with what (intent) they hear you, for when they confer privately the wicked say You follow but a man deluded.
われは かれらが聞きに来る時どんな 考え であなたに聞くかを知っている そしてかれらが密に話合う時 不義の徒は あなたがたは 只(ぶ?)かれた一人の人間に 従っているに過ぎないのです と言う
And if you don't mind, privately now, in the future, I'm going to think of TED as an acronym for Technology, Entertainment and Dominicans.
短縮してテクノロジー T エンターテインメント E ドミニカン D とします 本当にありがとうございました
Those who spend their wealth by night and day, privately and publicly, will receive their reward from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
自分の財を 夜となく昼となく 人日を避けて またあらわに施す者は 主の御許から報奨が下される かれらには恐れもなく憂いもない
Those who spend their wealth night and day, both privately and publicly, will receive their reward from their Lord. They shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
自分の財を 夜となく昼となく 人日を避けて またあらわに施す者は 主の御許から報奨が下される かれらには恐れもなく憂いもない
Remember your Lord deep within yourselves, humbly and privately instead of shouting out loud (in prayer) in the mornings and evenings and do not be of the heedless ones.
またあなたがは朝夕 魂を込めて謙虚に 恐れ謹んで 言葉は大声でなく あなたの主を唱念しなさい おろそかな者の仲間となってはならない
Surely those who recite the Book of Allah and establish Prayer and spend, privately and publicly, out of what We have provided them, look forward to a trade that shall suffer no loss
本当にアッラーの啓典を読誦する者 礼拝の務めを守り われが授けたものから密に またあらわに施す者は 失敗のない商売を願っているようなもの
O you who believe, when you converse privately, do not talk of iniquity, rebellion, and disobedience to the Prophet, but talk of goodness and piety, and fear God before whom you will be gathered.
あなたがた信仰する者よ あなたがたが秘密の相談をする時は 罪と敵意と 使徒への犯意とで密議してはならない 善意と敬神の念をもって相談しなさい アッラーの御許に あなたがたは集められるのである かれを畏れなさい
who exercise patience to gain God's pleasure, who are steadfast in prayer, who spend for the cause of God privately and in public, and who keep away evil with good will have a blissful end.
また主の御顔を求めて耐え忍び 礼拝の務めを守り われが糧のために与えたものの中から 陰に陽に施し また善によって悪を退けるような者は 善 果の住まいを得る
Originally I intended to mention all this to you privately, but since you are letting me waste my time here uselessly, I don't know why the matter shouldn't come to the attention of your parents.
私は その事項がに来てはいけない理由 私にはわからない ここに無駄に私の時間を無駄に ご両親の注意が必要です あなたの生産性はまた 最近では非常に不満足なされています


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