Translation of "had been put" to Japanese language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
I found out how many people had been put in jail, how many family members had been killed. | そして彼らの家族の何人が 殺されたかも知りました 彼らがそこに どれぐらい滞在するつもりなのか |
Good people had been put in a very bad situation for questionable results. | ある日リハビリで 誰かがサーフィンの話を始め そして今まで一度も |
You've been had. | 君はだまされたんだ |
You've been had. | ひでぇところに 来ちまったな |
Elena had always been threatened, but she had never been attacked. | でも暴力を受けたことはなかったのですね しかし2日前の深夜 モスクワの 自宅近くで2人の男に殴られまして |
They had been tortured. | つまり必要なのは |
Had been for years. | 何年もだ |
Justice had been done. | 正義は実行された |
Someone had been murdered. | 誰だったか思い出せないが |
I had to put on sunscreen. | これは大変でした |
There's been twelve in our cottage as had th' stomach an' nothin' to put in it. | あなたが毎日ドアは 'o あなたを playinのに行く あなたの骨のいくつかの肉を得るでしょう |
At this point, your 1,000 was the only money that had been put into the company? | その1000ドルは あなたの出資で 唯一の資金 |
Has the videotape been put into evidence? | テープは提出された |
He had been there before. | 彼は以前そこに行った事があった |
Many promises had been made. | 多くの約束もされていた |
We had always been close. | 私たちは一緒にいた |
They had been affluent before, | かれらはそれ以前 裕福で 享楽に耽り |
They had been pushed genetically. | まだ漁師もいて |
Because you had been whipped. | ホールセイ下院議員が 君をそうあしらったからだ |
Vitamins had not been invented. | 政府が認めた保健機能の物はなかった |
Things had been turned around | 市民一人一人が主権者として 自由選挙や市民投票を通して |
It had been presumed before. | オンライン上で人々が集まる様子を見ると |
Life had never been sweeter. | 人生はそんなに甘くない |
However, he had been burned. | しかしながら 酷い失敗となった |
It had been Birrinbirrin's spear. | それはビリンビリンの槍だった |
The law had been followed. | 法は守られた |
His face had been eaten. | 彼の顔が食べられている カラスの仕業と思いませんか |
The transmitter had been destroyed. | 通信機が破壊された |
You had better put on a raincoat. | 君はレインコートを着たほうがよい |
We had to put off the meeting. | 私たちは会合を延期しなければならなかった |
You had almost thought I had been his wife. | 寝具のカバーは パッチワークの奇数少し雑色の正方形の完全であり |
You must've been put on the wrong list. | あんたは しない人 のはず |
Because I thought that had been eradicated in the way that smallpox had been eradicated. | ポリオも根絶されたものと思っていたのに ブルース エイルワード おっと ジョン ポリオが根絶したのは ほぼ なんだよ |
Yet had they believed, and been godfearing, a recompense from God had been better, if they had but known. | かれらがもし信仰して 悪魔から その身を守ったならば アッラーの御許から きっと良い報奨を得たであろう かれらにそれが分っていたらよかったのに |
He had been walking for hours. | 何時間も歩き続けてきたのだ |
Wholesale prices had been basically flat. | 卸売物価は基本的に安定している |
I wish you had been there. | あなたも来たら良かったのに |
He had been writing a letter. | 彼は手紙を書き続けていた |
His family had been wheat farmers. | 彼の家族は小麦農家だった |
If only he had been there. | 彼があそこにいてくれさえすればよかったのに |
I asked where he had been. | 私は 彼にどこにいたのだと尋ねた |
The land had never been ploughed. | 土地は一度もたがやされたことがなかった |
Tom had never been to Boston. | トムはボストンに行ったことがなかった |
Then he who had been rebellious | その時 酷く目にあまった者 |
Would it had been the end! | ああ その 死 が わたしの 終末であったならば |
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