Translation of "in a coma" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Coma - translation : In a coma - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

He's in a coma.
He's not in a coma...
Now he's in a coma.
You were in a coma, Mum.
Aber... Mama muss das Zimmer so vorfinden, wie sie es verlassen hat.
In some coma dream,
The patient is in a deep coma.
She was in a coma, damn it!
He was in a coma at Receiving Hospital.
彼は病院で 昏睡状態にあった
Screwing your girlfriend while she's in a coma!
昏睡してる彼女に あんなことを
We've put agent Scott in a druginduced coma.
He was in a coma for six days.
But I placed him in a medicallyinduced coma,
He went into a coma.
3年間 まばたきしかできませんでした
Mother went into a coma.
She went into a coma.
He's being kept in druginduced coma.
Get me some bandages. He's still in a coma.
He's in a coma. His cranial injuries are substantial.
こん睡状態だ 頭部の怪我は重症です 彼が回復するとは思っていません
I have to see him. He's in a coma.
父の所に行く 昏睡状態なんだ
3 days in a coma does calm you down.
息子が3日も失神すれば 誰でもそうなりますよ
He's in a deep coma. There's nothing we can do.
I can write all my rhymes in a coma, just...
... さァ どーよ ここで1拍...
Untestable that's when I'm in my coma.
徐々に回復し やがて79点を記録しました
Seeing him in a coma for over a year is hell enough.
She's cute. But we can't rail a girl who's in a coma.
カワイイけど その植物状態じゃ遊べないよ
Paralyses him, puts him in a coma, then keeps him alive.
意識を失わせて 生かしてるのか
What if I end up somewhere in the middle, like in a coma?
心拍を耳に 歌詞を練る
No, there's been another attempt on his life. He's in a coma.
うん また殺人未遂だったから コマに入っちゃった
Jordan Two Delta sponsor, Sarah Jordan, is in a coma after a car accident.
ジョーダン二デルタスポンサー サラ ジョーダン は車の事故後に昏睡状態にあります
A patient in lisbon who woke up after years in a coma began writing just numbers.
Fifteen is a mild coma. Three is the deepest.
I was wrapped in ice, and then eventually put into a drug induced coma.
薬漬けのこん睡状態に陥りました 18か月後 目を覚ましました
He looked at galaxies in Coma cluster, some of the velocities were measured. From that, he could derive the kinetic energy in the coma cluster.
そこから かみのけ座銀河団の運動エネルギーを導出できた ビリアル平衡から銀河をまとめるのに必要な
You were lucky that you didn't lapse into a coma.
昏睡状態にならなくて 幸運だったな
He was conscious only a few minutes before the coma.
He's in some kind of coma but his vitals are stable.
意識はないけど バイタルは安定してる
He's in a coma right now. They say he may never come out of it.
息子は昏睡状態だ もう戻らないかもしれん
Unfortunately, my neighbor had a traffic accident and fell into a coma.
隣人は残念ながら交通事故に遭って 昏睡状態になってしまった
Giselle is dead, Brusco in an coma and they have taken Paul.
ブリスカ司教は昏睡状態 今度はポールを誘拐していった
In my coma, one of the presences I sensed was someone I felt was a protector.
見守っていると気付いていました 昏睡から脱した時 家族は認識できましたが
I woke up from a month long coma, following a double lung transplant.
1年前の今日だったんです 両肺の移植を受けた後のことでした クレイジーでしょう あり得ない
A week after that, you will lose consciousness and slip into a coma.
その後 意識を失って 昏睡状態になり
At some point every day, he collapses into a sort of coma.
日に何度も 意識を無くしたように
You care about science, philosophy, music, art, whatever it's no good if you're a zombie or in a coma, right?
ゾンビや昏睡状態の人には 意味がありません だから意識が一番大事なのです


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