Translation of "revised" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Revised - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

He revised his opinion.
The rule should be revised.
The timetable has been revised.
The timetable has been revised.
The Pentagon sent out revised...
Every year since, it's been revised downwards.
現在では ヒトゲノムには 2万ほどの遺伝子しかないと
A revised edition of the encyclopedia was published.
I remain troubled by the revised Ehrlich equation,
I   P A T2
I revised the patrol protocols at the UN.
The author revised his manuscript over and over again.
A coding sequence cannot be revised once it's been established.
一度打ち込んだ生命コーディングは 変えられない
My supervisor looked at the revised schedule and nodded his agreement.
上司は練り直したスケジュールを見ると ウンウンとうなずいた
Geneticists will know this, but every year since, it's been revised downwards.
毎年その数字は下方修正されています 今は人類のゲノムには2万の遺伝子しかないと
That's the sound of the zeroes dropping off of mr.Frobisher's revised offer.
和解金から ゼロが抜け落ちる音がする
The revised timetable will go into effect on the 5th of this month.
Original screenplay Byun Won mi amp Song Min ho Screenplay revised by Gwak Jae yong
Vicki, I didn't know. Don't say a word! transcript swsub synch and revised subXpacio and TusSeries
ヴィッキー 知らなかったんだ 何も言わないで
Our knowledge of the exact relationships between these ancestors is incomplete and often is revised because of new fossil finds.
さらに 新しい化石が発見されて 説が覆されることもあります いくつかはわれわれの直接の祖先で いくつかは進化の途中で行き止まることとなった 遠い親戚でした
I just got the revised attendee list for the press conference. I can't get the facial recognition done in time.
記者会見出席者リストを 更新したけど顔認証できない
Capital investments planned by major Japanese businesses for this year have been revised upward in view of an improving economic outlook.
経済の先行きが明るくなっているので 日本の大企業が今年予定している設備投資は上方修正された
But as my son, Max, grows up in a liberal college town, how is this first draft going to get revised?
どう改訂されていくでしょう 100キロ先のバージニア州リンチバーグで育つのと
The Japan Meteorological Agency has revised the magnitude of the eastern Japan quake from 8.8 to 9.0, the largest recorded in world history.
気象庁は 東日本大震災のマグニチュードを8 8から 世界観測史上最大級のM9 0に修正した
We revised the mental health component of the primary health care services by adding psycho social care and psycho social counselors to the system.
メンタルヘルスの部分を改定し このシステムに精神 社会的ケアと 精神 社会的カウンセラーを追加しました
Our firm is a giant one, and there are some rules and regulations, which should be revised or rescinded to reduce red tape and increase efficiency.
わたしたちの会社はマンモス会社で 繁雑な面を少くし能率を上げるために 改正あるいは撤廃すべき規則とか規約がいくつかある
So planet Earth was older than the universe, and that was a problem. Ever since then, the value of the Hubble constant was revised, usually downward.
それ以来 Hubble定数の値は改訂され続けた だいたいは下方修正だった
And if that can be our generation's enduring legacy that we took responsibility for the thinking that had been handed down to us, that we revisited it, we revised it, and we reinvented the whole way humanity thinks about changing things, forever, for everyone well, I thought I would let the kids sum up what that would be.
私達に引き継がれてきてしまった考えの 責任をとり それを再考し そして訂正し
Scholars are discovering evidence that stories shape culture, and that much of what we believe about life comes not from fact, but from fiction that our ideas of class, marriage and even gender are relatively new, and that many ideologies which held fast for centuries were revised within the 18th century, and redrafted in the pages of the early novel.
人生についての考えの多くは事実ではなく 物語に由来すること 階級や結婚 ジェンダーという考えすら


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