Translation of "similar for both" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Both - translation : Similar - translation : Similar for both - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Very similar communities, very similar.
and created for them similar things to ride.
またわれはかれらが乗る 外の便利な 乗物を創った
There's a similar story, I think, for governments.
再び ロナルド レーガンの愉快な
Now, imagine a similar model for networking environmentalists.
さて この仕組み 環境活動家同士を 繋げるシステムとしてはどうでしょう 地球環境に起きつつある変化の 記録や証拠を集めたウェブポータル
Similar figures obtained for belief in personal immortality.
For both our sakes.
For both of us.
The important point to note is that both parties offered similar solutions to this problem.
注目すべき重要な点は 両方の政党がこの問題に対しては似たような解決策を提示したことである
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Similar problems.
May have something similar (May have something similar)
nanika ga niteiru kamone (nanika ga niteiru kamone)
For the postcondition, we get similar ranges for the return value.
Similar age,similar height,similar weight... they all have shaved heads and facial hair.
似た身長 体重 年齢 皆がスキンヘッドに口ヒゲ
Open it and check for lines similar to these
11. with apxs を指定してPHPを構築しようとした際 奇妙なエラーメッセージが出力されます
And We made similar vessels for them to ride.
またわれはかれらが乗る 外の便利な 乗物を創った
Very similar statistic for childhood cancer in the U.S.
Similar data has been around for quite some time.
私達が分析したのは 所有権のネットワークです
Testify is better for Alice no matter what, and by similar reasoning, testify is better for Bob no matter what, so testify is a dominant strategy for both players.
同様の理由で ボブも証言する方がよいです 従ってお互い証言する方が 絶対優位の戦略となります
I'm delighted for you both.
Both are waiting for you
The test for 9 is very similar to the test for 3
全ての桁をたします もし和が 9 で割り切れるのであれば
Retrieve similar artists
Select similar colors
And similar topography.
Similar with Lindiwe.
学校を修了した時点では 機会に恵まれませんでした
Very similar thing.
looks very similar
Culturomics is similar.
Salps are similar.
食料が豊富なときに 自分のクローンで長いくさりを作るの
They are somewhat similar, and they're not without problems, but both are being used to estimate correspondence.
Both are harbor towns... the entrances to each country... and have streetcars running... similar statues... many slopes...
同じ港町で 日本とポルトガルの 玄関口だからか 路面電車がとっても似てる 銅像も似てる
Our second grammar rule, very similar but for the minus.
残りのコードについても説明しますから あとで仕上げを手伝ってください
Similar thing was found by another astronomer, Sinclair Smith, for
数年後に発見した しかし当時はこれを 誰も真面目に受け取らなかった
Plus behaves very similar to the concatenation operation for strings.
リストが 0 1 2 3 の場合
Pretty soon other relatives started to ask for similar help
そうしたら突然 彼が知らない人たちまで見始めた
I'm so happy for you both.
二人とも よかったですね 私も嬉しいです
Options for both IMAP and POP3
IMAPと POP3に共通のオプション
For reason you need both hemispheres.
要約するなら 左脳は言語概念と抽象に傾向する
Same for both barium and strontium.
この大量の金属が どこから来るのか
For both, me personally and TED.
TEDx プログラムが立ち上がった 2009年にも私はここに参加していました
That goes for both of you.
Fifteen dollars for both of us.
2人で15ドル ひとりが15ドラね


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